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anti-crime program

Last updated on May 7, 2024.

anti-crime program

[Special Fraud Information]

October is the month of strengthening the eradication of special fraud in Aoba Ward.
The Aoba Ward Office will strengthen its vigilance with October as a special fraud eradication month.
At home, please take measures against suspicious calls, such as setting a landline phone as an answering machine.

"Special fraud damage" has occurred in Aoba Ward!
Status of “Special Fraud Damage” in Aoba Ward, etc.

※Excerpts from "Aoba Ward Crime Occurrence Information Email"

Alert information: About telephones that seem to be imposter scam

[imposter scam's recent tricks]

[Aoba Ward imposter scam Countermeasures Council]

The Aoba Ward imposter scam Countermeasures Council was established by 38 related organizations, including the Aoba Ward Union Neighborhood Association, companies in Aoba Ward, and the Aoba anti-crime program Association, toimposter scam, toAoba Ward. The inauguration ceremony was held at Aoba police department on June 12, 2017, and it was confirmed that the council will continue to share information on the occurrence and methods of imposter scam and promote public relations activities.

[Dissemination of "imposter scam" by FM Salous]

imposter scam's latest tricks are broadcast from time to time in the following program. Please use this for local anti-crime program patrols.
"Ao Value Radio"
[Broadcast time]
Live broadcast/From Monday to Friday: From 11:00 to 11:20 (20 minutes program)
Rebroadcast / Monday through Friday: From 18:30 to 18:50 (20 minutes program)
Weekday digest version/Saturday/Sunday: From 9:00 to 9:30 (30 minutes program)

Consumer life

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Inquiries to this page

Aoba Ward General Affairs Department Regional Promotion Division

Phone: 045-978-2291

Phone: 045-978-2291

Fax: 045-978-2413

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 536-204-865

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