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Authorized nursery schools

It is a private and municipal nursery school that has been approved for the capacity, equipment, and the number of nursery teachers, etc., meeting the national setting standards. After applying to the local government where you live and receiving the recognition of the need for childcare, use the facilities determined through coordination between each facility and the local government. Childcare fees are determined by the local government based on the amount of municipal tax.

Last updated on October 31, 2024.

To use it

In principle, applications for residents of Aoba Ward will be accepted at Aoba Ward Office Children and Families Support Division.
During the primary application period (usually from mid-October to early November) for the application for admission in April of the following year, please apply by mail to the Authorization and Use Coordination Office.
If you are planning to apply from outside Yokohama City, please consult with your local government.
We will prepare the required documents for the designated period and apply to the ward office Children and Families Support Division.
Please check the usage guide for the application period.

Among those who have applied, we will guide you to the facilities decided after making adjustments between each facility and the local government.

Required certification

・Article 19, Item 3 of the Act under 3 years old
・3 years of age or older Article 19, Item 2 of the Act
Certification can be obtained at the same time as applying for admission, so no special procedures are required if you apply for admission.


Usage fee, staple food expenses (rice, bread, etc.), side meal expenses (side dishes, snacks), and other expenses are required.

 ClassUsage feesStaple food expensesSide meal costsOther expenses
Private sectorChildren aged 0 to 2 yearsDetermined by municipal tax amount, etc.Included in usage feesIncluded in usage feesInquire directly to the garden
 3 to 5 years oldFree of chargeInquire directly to the gardenInquire directly to the gardenInquire directly to the garden
PublicChildren aged 0 to 2 yearsDetermined by municipal tax amount, etc.Included in usage feesIncluded in usage feesActual expense settlement
 3 to 5 years oldFree of charge1,200 yen/month4,500 yen/monthActual expense settlement

※Classes will be determined based on the age as of April 2.
 Example: 3-year-old class → From April 2 this year to April 1 of the following year, children who have reached their 4th birthday are enrolled.

Authorized nursery schools in Aoba Ward

Acceptable age and opening hours vary depending on the garden, so please see the information of each garden.
List of facilities and businesses in Aoba Ward (PDF: 1,359KB)
When looking for a nursery school, engashi support ★Please take advantage of Yokohama childcare (outside site).

Municipal nursery schools in Aoba Ward


Is it necessary to visit before applying?

You can apply without visiting, but it is highly recommended that you visit it because it is a facility where children go every day for several years.

Can I use nursery schools other than Aoba Ward in the city?

You can use it.
At the time of application, please fill in use application in the same way as nursery school in ward.

From what age is free of charge for children attending nursery schools?

Applicable to 3-year-old class.
Childcare fees will be free from April the following April when you reach the age of three.

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Inquiries to this page

Aoba Ward Health and Welfare Center Children and Families Support Division Childcare Manager

Phone: 045-978-2428

Phone: 045-978-2428

Fax: 045-978-2422

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 372-121-626

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