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Aoba Start Subsidy

We will support the start of independent and continuous initiatives undertaken by various entities in Aoba Ward that will help solve familiar local issues!

Last updated on March 27, 2025.

What is Aoba Start Subsidy?

It is a subsidy to support continuous efforts to start from now on, aiming to solve familiar local issues such as child care, support for the elderly, and local disaster prevention systems.

Fiscal 2025 Business Recruitment

Business offer of Aoba start subsidy of 2025 starts on Tuesday, April 1, 2025!
Please be sure to consult with Planning and Adjustment Section before applying.

Overview of Subsidies

Target organizations

  • Organizations that have two or more members and have no restrictions on participation in groups.
  • Organizations with democratic decision-making opportunities

Target business

Items that meet all of the following requirements:

(1) Business to solve regional issues in Aoba Ward
(2) This project will be implemented in cooperation with the Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations after obtaining the approval of the Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations.
   Projects sponsored by Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations.
(3) Businesses that will start from now on or improve or review existing businesses
(4) Business where issues and solutions are clearly presented
(5) Projects that plan and implement voluntarily and independently
(6) Projects to be implemented during FY2025
(7) Businesses that are going to continue efforts after 2025

※The following businesses are not eligible.

  • For-profit purposes or businesses that benefit only specific individuals or groups
  • Business with political or religious intent
  • Projects that receive support from other subsidies
  • Businesses that are deemed inappropriate for support, such as violating public order and morals

Subject expenses

Of the expenses required for the business, it covers the expenses required for the business to be spent from the date of application to March 31, 2026.

[List of subsidized expenses]


Cost of office supplies such as paperPurchase costs for goods, etc. whose unit price is less than 100,000 yen (including consumption tax equivalent) (including transfer fees and shipping costs related to the purchase of goods, etc.)
Printing and bookbinding costsPrinting costs for flyers, posters, and booklets for business
Mailing costsMailing costs required for business
RewardRewards to External Lecturers
Premiums(Volunteer insurance, event insurance, etc.) that is deemed particularly necessary in activities such as sponsored events and tours (consultation)
Rental expensesVenue usage fee for study sessions, tours, etc., equipment usage fee
Consignment feeOperations that are difficult for organizations to carry out
OthersIn addition to the above, expenses recognized by Director General

However, the following items are not covered.

  • Expenses related to maintenance and management of facilities
  • Fellowship eating and drinking expenses, membership fees and donations to other organizations, and expenses related to the operation and activities of the organization directly.
  • Rewards to corporations represented by those who belong to the application organization or those who belong to the application organization.
  • Other expenses deemed inappropriate or inappropriate by Director General

Subsidiary period

The maximum grant limit of subsidies for the same subsidy projects is once per year, and is limited to twice in two consecutive years.

Subsidized amount

Director General will decide up to 300,000 yen, up to 9/10 of the subsidized expenses for the first year.
Director General will decide up to 150,000 yen, up to 1/2 of the subsidized expenses.

Prior consultation period

From Tuesday, April 1, 2025 to Friday, November 7, 2025

Application deadline

From Tuesday, April 1, 2025 to Friday, November 28, 2025 (finished as soon as the budget limit is reached)
(* Consultation before application is required. Please consult for the first consultation by Friday, November 7th. )

Flow until delivery

[Guidelines for applying in June 2025]
June, 2025beginning of Augustmiddle of August(After grant decision)(After submitting the invoice)

Prior consultation and application

Review CommitteeGrant decisionSubmission of invoices


※The timing may change depending on the status of the application.
※It will take some time before the grant is decided by the preliminary examination of the application form and the examination committee, so if you are planning to carry out the project, we recommend that you consult and apply in advance with plenty of time.
※Expenditure expenses for projects subject to the subsidy will be valid from the date of submission of the final application set to the last day of the activity schedule or March 31, 2026.

Delivery decision method

After submitting the application form, the examination committee will examine the contents of the application and decide whether or not to grant the subsidy and the amount of the subsidy grant.

[Examination items]

(5 points)

  • Are you aware of local issues and needs?
  • Is the effect of the business expected?

(5 points)

  • Is the project being carried out independently by the applicant organization?

(5 points)

  • Are consensus building with local communities and related organizations planned?
  • Are schedules and budgets highly feasible plans?

(5 points)

  • Is it possible to secure funds for activities and human resources to continue?

Future potential
(1 score)

  • Is it possible to expect the development of activities, such as new partnerships with other organizations?

(1 score)

  • Do you have any ideas or ideas in implementing the project?


  • The total score of the jury members is summed up, and the total score is equal to or greater than the number of attendees multiplied by 12 points will be eligible for subsidy grant.
  • If more than half of the jury members give the minimum score to the examination items for necessity, independence, feasibility and continuity, they will not be eligible.

How to apply (* Please consult us in advance when applying!)

After confirming the Aoba Start Subsidy Grant Guidelines, fill out the application form posted with required items and submit it by e-mail, mail, or directly at the counter.

[Documents to be submitted]

  1. Aoba start subsidy grant application (first style) (word: 25KB)
  2. Business plan (second style) (word: 47KB)
  3. Income and expenditure budget book (third style) (Excel: 16KB)
  4. Group list (fourth style) (word: 25KB)
  5. Group summary book (fifth style) (word: 25KB)
  6. Organizational rules, bylaws and similar documents (*1)
  7. Documents that form the basis for calculation, such as a copy of a quote or a product catalog (attached to No. 3 style) (* 1) (* 2)
  8. Supplementary proposal (No. 6 style) (word: 24KB)(※3)
  9. Other documents deemed necessary by Director General (*1)

(※1) There is no style set in the ward.
(※2) Documents that form the basis for calculation, such as quotes or copies of product catalogs, may be omitted only with the consent of Director General.
(※3) The supplementary form (Form No. 6) may be omitted if it is a business sponsored by Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations.

[Submission address]
Aoba Ward Regional Promotion Division Planning and Adjustment Section (Window 74 on the 4th floor of Aoba Ward Office)
Address: 31-4, Keo-cho, Aoba-ku, Yokohama 225-0024, Japan
E-mail: [email protected]
※The Hours at Aoba Ward Office is from 8:45 a.m. to 5 p.m.



Outlines, etc.

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Inquiries to this page

Aoba Ward General Affairs Department Regional Promotion Division Planning and Adjustment Section

Phone: 045-978-2286

Phone: 045-978-2286

Fax: 045-978-2413

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 189-585-027

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