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  6. The 26th Asahi Ward Mental Health and Welfare Seminar will be held!

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The 26th Asahi Ward Mental Health and Welfare Seminar will be held!

Last updated on February 4, 2025.

Press release materials

February 4, 2025

Asahi Ward Elderly and Disabled Support Division

Tadahiro Kokubun

TEL: 045-954-6198

Fax: 045-955-2675

In Asahi Ward, we hold seminars to deepen our understanding of mental disorders. This year, "How to use my smartphone is addictive? Under the title of "Tomorrow of Seven Colors", a presentation of experiences by addiction parties and a lecture by a specialist, Dr. Takanobu Matsuzaki, Kurihama Medical Center, a specialist. Let's think together about addiction, one of the mental disorders, through the use of smartphones, one of the essential things to live for many people!

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Asahi Ward Elderly and Disabled Support Division

Phone: 045-954-6198

Phone: 045-954-6198

Fax: 045-955-2675

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Page ID: 773-718-532

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