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Nursery school support corps of everybody's town

Last updated on July 25, 2019.

Recruitment of nursery school support corps of town of everybody


We are looking for support volunteers (free volunteers) at nursery schools in Asahi Ward.
The cheering squad wants to ask for the support of the nursery school in each specialty field, such as having the children teach the care and handing down the flowers together with the children of the nursery school.

Activities, time, and number of times will be coordinated with each nursery school.
By all means, please lend your help to the nursery.
We look forward to your application.

State of cheering squad

Rubber of hat

Rubber of hat

Making a field

Making a field

Braided string

Braided string

How to apply

Please register at each nursery school as an individual or group.
There is a volunteer registration form at each nursery school. You can also download it from this page. For more information, please contact each nursery school.

Current participating gardens (July 2019)
Garden name Location TEL
Chitose Nursery School 60-2, Imagawacho 364-6332
Nishikawajima Nursery School 134-1, Nishikawashimacho 373-0257
Tsurugamine Nursery School 1-64-1, Tsurugamine 373-6523
Uenohara Nursery School 104-5, Otakacho 370-1152
Poplar Nursery School 1-25-11, Tsurugamine 382-4523
Ohana Tsurugamine Nursery School 2-30-1, Tsurugamine 372-0870
Sakonyama Nursery School 1997, Sakonyama 351-1907
Imajuku Nursery School 2000-4, Imajukuminamicho 953-2306
Kawai-juku Nursery School 98-1, Tsuokacho 951-2877
Hikarigaoka Nursery School 795, Kamishiranecho 953-2081
Shirane Nursery School Shirane 7-31-3 953-1007
Nakao Nursery School Nakao 1-17-3 362-1333
Kashiwa Nursery School 59-1, Kashiwacho 361-8887
Sun Children Sachigaoka Nursery School 52-7 Sachigaoka 1st floor of Mount Irvine 369-1430
Nakakibogaoka Nursery School 147, Nakakibogaoka 363-1407
Kids Village Tsukushi Nursery School 4-11-19, Sasanodai 360-6656
Zenbe Nursery School 44-7, Zenbucho 364-5111
Wakabadai Nursery School 2-20-1, Wakabadai 921-3161

Download the registration slip

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Inquiries to this page

Asahi Ward Health and Welfare Center Children and Families Support Division

Phone: 045-954-6151

Phone: 045-954-6151

Fax: 045-951-4683

E-Mail address [email protected]

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