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Local Activities

Information about Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations. You can also download required documents, including the form of application documents for subsidies and the letter of recommendation from each commissioner.

Last updated on March 17, 2025.

Asahi Ward Union Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations Liaison Council website

Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations's activities to protect a safe and comfortable life, introduction of regional alliances that carry out wide-area initiatives, and information related to Asahi Ward is useful for local activities.

Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations Area Map

Citizens interact with each other and engage in activities in Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations to promote safe and comfortable urban development.
For the area and name of Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations, please see the Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations Area Map below.

Asahi Ward Association Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations Liaison Council Regular Meeting Report

The Asahi Ward Union Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations Liaison Council consists of Neighborhood Associations 19 Districts. There are about 240 Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations in Asahi Ward.
Please refer to the report on the results of regular meetings held every month.

List of events in Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations

Information on events requested by the Allied Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations, and information on the websites of each Allied Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations.
Please refer to the list of events in the Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations.

Various application and notification styles

Reference materials (Please be sure to refer to the application documents)

Commission members

Reference materials for local activities

The Asahi Ward Office and the Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations Liaison Council of Asahi Ward have prepared and distributed the following materials as reference materials for local activities.

Two-dimensional code for Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations
If you would like to subscribe to Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations, please send "Address Name Phone number" by e-mail using this two-dimensional code. Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations, where you live, will contact you through the ward office.

[Reference] About various support systems for local activities (please see the link below for details)

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Inquiries to this page

Asahi Ward General Affairs Department Regional Promotion Division

Phone: 045-954-6095

Phone: 045-954-6095

Fax: 045-955-3341

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 680-565-140

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