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  6. Sounding-type market research for utilizing the site of the former Wakabadainishi Junior High School (conducted in FY2021)

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Sounding-type market research for utilizing the site of the former Wakabadainishi Junior High School (conducted in FY2021)

 In utilizing the former site of the former Wakabadainishi Junior High School, in order to explore the possibility of regional revitalization utilizing closed school facilities in cooperation with businesses, etc., we will widely ask about utilization ideas through "dialogue" with businesses, etc. We conducted a “Sounding-type market survey”.

Last updated on July 8, 2024.

Sounding-type market research (dialogue)

Results of the Dialogue (announced in February 2022)

 A dialogue was held from January 7 to 13, 2022, and the results will be announced.
 Results of implementation (PDF: 221KB)

Recruitment of "Dialogue" participants ※It's finished

 Since fiscal 2017, Yokohama City has been promoting the revitalization of Wakabadai housing complex in Asahi Ward, and is considering the use of the former Wakabadainishi Junior High School in housing complex.
 Therefore, through "dialogues" with business operators, we will conduct a "sounding-type market survey" to widely hear ideas for utilization. We are recruiting businesses that can participate widely in order to use it as a reference when considering future utilization.

Projects subject to dialogue (For details, please refer to the implementation guidelines)

  1. Utilization of the site of Wakabadainishi Junior High School that contributes to regional revitalization
  2. About utilization method that can continue local opening, etc.
  3. Other (other than the above)

Outline of dialogue and method of application (For details, please refer to the implementation guidelines)

 Outline of dialogue and method of application
Date and time of the dialogue Friday, January 7, 2022, Tuesday, 11 to Thursday, January 13, 2022
Location Meeting rooms in the Asahi Ward Office, etc.
Target person Corporations or groups of corporations interested in project implementation

Direct dialogue (scheduled to be held in about 1 hour per group)
※Please cooperate with infection prevention measures such as wearing a mask and limiting the number of participants.
※If you would like to have an online dialogue, please let us know at the time of application.
(In the case of online, Zoom will be used.)
※We will not give you an explanation in advance. Please check from outside the premises for on-site confirmation.


[Application for Participation (Form 1)] Until Monday, December 20, 2021

Please fill out the entry sheet (Form 1) with required items and submit it by e-mail.
The subject should be [Dialogue Application].

[Preliminary Document Submission (Form 2)] Up to 2 business days prior to the date of the dialogue

Please fill out the required items in advance hearing sheet (Form 2) and submit it by e-mail.
The subject should be [Dialogue Materials].
※Submission of a pre-hearing sheet is a request for cooperation for the purpose of smooth dialogue and is not a condition for participation in the dialogue.

[Submission address] Ward Administration Promotion Division, Asahi-ku, Yokohama E-mail: [email protected]

Implementation guidelines, entry sheets, proposal sheets, etc.

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Phone: 045-954-6027

Phone: 045-954-6027

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