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  5. About open call for participants of designated manager of Asahi public hall, the second Yokohama-shi

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About open call for participants of designated manager of Asahi public hall, the second Yokohama-shi

Last updated on January 30, 2019.

With the expiration of the designated management period of Asahi public hall, Yokohama City at the end of 2016, we selected by open call for participants of the next designated manager and decided the designated candidate.

Selection procedure
Target facilitiesAsahi, Yokohama-shi public hall
Application Guidelines Distribution PeriodFrom Thursday, June 2, 2016 to Friday, July 15, 2016
Distribution methodYou can only download it from this website.
Public offering briefings and on-site tours

Date and time: Monday, June 27 from 10:00 am to 12:00 am
Location: Asahi public hall (4th floor of Asahi Ward Office)
Number of participants: Up to 2 persons in each group
Application: The open call for participants and on-site tours have been closed.
How to apply: Please fill in required items in "Asahi public hall designated manager application briefing session application in Yokohama-shi" by 5:00 pm on Thursday, June 23, and apply by fax or E-Mail.
※Parking is limited, so please use public transportation if possible.
※On the day, we will check the documents (business cards) that prove that you are an employee (employee).

Application period

From Thursday, July 14, 2016 to Friday, July 15

Reception desk

・Please bring it to the counter or submit it by the sending method (registered registered mail, etc.) that leaves a record.
Asahi Ward Regional Promotion Division Ward Facilities Subdivision (22nd floor, Asahi Ward Office)
From 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays
※In the case of mail, it must arrive by 5:00 pm on July 15, 2016
〒241-0022 1-4-12, Tsurugamine, Asahi-ku, Yokohama-shi
To Asahi Ward Office Regional Promotion Division Ward Facilities Subdivision

InquiriesAsahi Ward Regional Promotion Division Ward Facilities Subdivision (22nd floor, Asahi Ward Office)
Phone: 954-6097 Fax: 955-3341
Application forms, etc.・Asahi public hall, Yokohama City Designated Management Application Guidelines
・Asahi public hall, Yokohama City Designated Management Business Specifications
・Asahi public hall, Yokohama City Special Specifications
・Asahi public hall Designated Administrator Evaluation Criteria
・Application Documents Cover, Form 1
・Application Documents Form 2
・Application Documents Form 3
・Application Documents Form 4 to Form 11
・Application Documents Form 5
・Application Documents Form 9
・Questionnaire, notice of decline, briefing session application
Related materialsYokohama City public hall Ordinance (PDF: 134KB)
Yokohama-shi public hall regulations enforcement regulations (PDF: 184KB)
Outline of selection of candidate of designated manager of Asahi public hall, Yokohama-shi (PDF: 146KB)
Asahi public hall, Yokohama-shi designated manager selection committee administration summary (PDF: 131KB)
public hall Basic Agreement (draft) (PDF: 375KB)
public hall Agreement (draft) (PDF: 180KB)
Overview of public hall (Reference) (PDF: 104KB)
QuestionnaireQuestion Answer Form (PDF: 110KB)

The 1st Asahi public hall Designated Administrator Selection Committee in Yokohama City was held on the following schedule.

1st Asahi public hall Designated Manager Selection Committee, Yokohama City
Date and timeFrom 10:00 to 11:30 on Thursday, May 26, 2016
VenueAsahi Ward Office (Meeting Room No. 5 on the first floor)
Agenda item

(1) About summary about designated manager choice
(2) Election of Chairperson
(3) Disclosure and non-disclosure of meetings
(4) About schedule of designated manager selection
(5) Application Guidelines, etc.
(6) Selection method

MinutesMinutes (PDF: 182KB)
InquiriesAsahi Ward Regional Promotion Division Ward Facilities Subdivision (22nd floor, Asahi Ward Office)
Phone: 954-6097 Fax: 955-3341

The 2nd Asahi public hall Designated Administrator Selection Committee, Yokohama City, was held on the following schedule.

The 2nd Asahi public hall Designated Manager Selection Committee, Yokohama City
Date and timeFrom 13:30 to 5:00 on Thursday, July 28, 2016
Venue3rd floor of Urban 128 Building outside Asahi Ward Office (1-2-8 Tsurugamine, Asahi-ku)
Agenda item

1 Prior meeting
(1) About requirements, qualification examination of group
(2) Financial Position of the Organization
2 Public hearing
3 Review (non-disclosed)

MinutesMinutes (PDF: 175KB)
InquiriesAsahi Ward Regional Promotion Division Ward Facilities Subdivision (22nd floor, Asahi Ward Office)
Phone: 954-6097 Fax: 955-3341

The results of the selection committee for the second designated manager of Asahi public hall, Yokohama City were as follows.

Asahi public hall, Yokohama City 2nd Designated Administrator Selection Committee Selection Results
Name of the organizationTotal scores (out of 800 points)Results
TelWel East Japan Corporation597 pointsDesignated Candidate
Sotetsu Corporation563 pointsRunner-up candidate
Review ReportReview Report (PDF: 227KB)
Score table (PDF: 174KB)

The designated candidate will be officially designated as the designated manager after the resolution of the City Counsil.

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Inquiries to this page

Asahi Ward General Affairs Department Regional Promotion Division

Phone: 045-954-6095

Phone: 045-954-6095

Fax: 045-955-3341

E-Mail address [email protected]

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