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Paopoolum (child care center in ward office)

Last updated on January 29, 2025.

Until the procedure and medical examination at the ward office are over, we will take care of your child!

Photo of Paopoolum

A nursery room for visitors to the agency has been set up on the third floor. Reservations are required and free of charge.
There is also a nursing room on the 3rd floor.
※For pre-school children up to 6 years of age.
※If you exceed the capacity, you will have to wait in line.

Date and time of use

Morning opening day: From 8:45 to 12:15 (reception closes at 12:00)
Afternoon opening day: From 12:15 to 15:45 (reception closes at 15:30)

Opening day of 2024 Paopalum
Month Time Day
January, 2025 Morning 7th and 21st (each Tuesday)
Afternoon Thursday, 9th, 10th Friday, 23rd Thursday, 24th Friday, 24th
February, 2025 Morning 4th and 18th (each Tuesday)
Afternoon Thursday, 6th, 7th Friday, 20th Thursday, 21st Friday, 21st
March, 2025 Morning 4th and 18th (each Tuesday)
Afternoon Thursday, 6th, 7th Friday, 13th Thursday, 14th Friday, 14th
2025 Open Day of Paopalum
AprilMorning8th and 22nd Tuesday each time
AfternoonThursday, 3rd, 4th Friday, 17th Thursday, 18th Friday, 18th
MayMorning13th and 20th (each Tuesday)
AfternoonThursday, 8th, 16th (Friday), 22nd (Thursday)
JuneMorning3rd, 17th (each Tuesday)
AfternoonThursday, 5th, 6th Friday, 19th (Thursday), 20th (Friday)
JulyMorning1st and 15th (each Tuesday)
AfternoonThursday, 3rd, 4th (Friday), 17th (Thursday), 18th (Friday), 24th (Thursday)
AugustMorning5th and 19th (each Tuesday)
AfternoonThursday, 7th, 8th Friday, 21st Thursday, 22nd Friday, 22nd
SeptemberMorning2nd and 16th (each Tuesday)
AfternoonThursday, 4th, 5th Friday, 18th Thursday, 19th Friday, 19th
OctoberMorning7th and 21st (each Tuesday)
AfternoonThursday, 2nd, 9th (Thursday), 10th (Friday), 23rd (Thursday), 24th (Friday)
NovemberMorning4th, 11th, 18th (Tuesday)
AfternoonThursday, 6th, 7th Friday, 20th Thursday, 21st Friday, 21st
DecemberMorning2nd and 16th (each Tuesday)
AfternoonThursday, 4th, 5th Friday, 18th Thursday, 19th Friday, 19th
January, 2026Morning6th and 20th (each Tuesday)
AfternoonThursday, 8th, 9th Friday, 22nd Thursday, 23rd Friday, 23rd
February, 2026Morning3rd, 17th (each Tuesday)
AfternoonThursday, 5th, 6th Friday, 19th (Thursday), 20th (Friday)
March, 2026Morning3rd, 17th (each Tuesday)
AfternoonThursday, 5th, 6th Friday, 13th Friday, 19th Thursday, 19th

Inquiries to this page

Asahi Ward General Affairs Department General Affairs Division

Phone: 045-954-6005

Phone: 045-954-6005

Fax: 045-951-3401

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 606-284-551

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