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Origin of ward name

The name of "Asahi Ward" was decided in this way.

Last updated on July 31, 2024.

Open call for participants for ward names

From November to December 1968, we solicited public offerings for the names of the four new wards, divided from Minami Ward, Hodogaya Ward, Kohoku Ward and Totsuka Ward.

Results of public offering

There were 801 applications from Hodogaya Ward to the new district name.

Breakdown of application for new ward name

Selection of ward name

Respecting the large number of application ward names from citizens, the decision was made through consultation by the ward name examination committee composed of the mayor, assistants, and related bureau Director General.

Reason for selection

Regarding the ward name, at first, group applications were made by residents of certain areas, and concentrated on "Tsurugamine". In addition, opinions were divided as group applications, "Nishiho Dogaya" and "Konishi", and these top three plans created a sense of competition in the region.
In addition, the "mine" of "Tsurugamine" was difficult to unify the characters, and there was a risk of confusion in various registrations. Also, Nishihodogaya and Minato Nishi are confusing with Nishi Ward, Hodogaya Ward and Kohoku Ward.
As a result, Fujimi, Asahi, and Green were candidates, and the number of characters was the smallest among them, and the fonts were concise and clear, so we decided to be Asahi Ward.

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Inquiries to this page

Asahi Ward General Affairs Department Ward Administration Promotion Division

Phone: 045-954-6022

Phone: 045-954-6022

Fax: 045-955-2856

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 101-288-692

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