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- About 2025 Yokohama-shi LED security light business [news]
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About 2025 Yokohama-shi LED security light business [news]
Last updated on March 18, 2025.
About Yokohama-shi LED security light business of 2025
About 2025 Yokohama-shi LED security light [news] (PDF: 791KB)
Information distributed to Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations in late March 2025. If you want to print this page, it is convenient to print this notice. Implementation will be finalized after the 2025 Yokohama City Budget Plan is voted on in Yokohama City Council.
About LED security light of Yokohama-shi
Project costs are increasing year by year due to soaring prices, etc., but expenses that cannot be reduced, such as electricity costs, are putting pressure on the entire project cost. For this reason, the city is focusing on maintaining existing security lights.
On the other hand, there are things that change land use and do not meet Yokohama-shi security light setting standard now. As we think that it is necessary to push forward appropriate placement of security light aiming at well-balanced placement of the whole street light, we would like understanding, cooperation of local everybody sequentially.
Overview of Yokohama LED security light business
About cooperation in watching LED security light
Regarding LED security lights installed by the city, we ask the people of Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations for daily monitoring, such as discovering and communicating failures and removing surrounding vegetation.
Many of the steel pipe pole security lights transferred from Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations have been installed for years, and some have deteriorated significantly. In order to prevent damage caused by collapse, if you find a pole that has deteriorated due to watching activities, etc., please provide information promptly.
If you find a problem with the LED security light
Watching security lights and procedures-related guides. pdf(PDF:3,691KB)
About understanding of total number inspection of steel pipe pole security light and removal
In Yokohama City, as a countermeasure against the deterioration of steel pipe poles, we conducted inspections in the past, and then responded sequentially to those whose deterioration was recognized, but based on the current situation where deterioration is further progressing, in the city in 2025 We will conduct an inspection survey of all 20,000 light bulbs. Please be aware in advance that inspections may enter private land.
In addition, if significant deterioration is found, we will remove it in consideration of safety. After removal, according to the Yokohama City Security Light Installation Standards, only 1 removal, 2 relocation of lighting to nearby telephone poles, 3 rebuilding (redevelopment of steel pipe pole type security lights) will be handled.
In addition, the steel pipe poles currently installed have a large foundation (approximately 50 cm in diameter and 1 m deep underground), so it may not be possible to install them in and around the same place as the existing steel pipe poles. In some cases, such as when we cannot secure space that can be installed or when agreement of neighboring people cannot be obtained, we may not be able to rebuild in the city.
Since the security lights installed by the city are based on a telephone pole joint type, rebuilding is limited to when there is no telephone pole nearby and there is no place to install alternative lighting.
In fiscal 2025, Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations will also be able to use the “Emergency Subsidy for Improvement of Local anti-crime program Power (application period from April to October)” when installing lights on its own. If the steel pipe pole has been removed, consider installing sensor lights at Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations as an alternative.
About application when we hope for new setting by city
About new installation application of 2025
・For consultation and reception of application, please contact the ward Regional Promotion Division. The deadline is Friday, May 30, 2025.
・At first you see "guide of new application of LED security light to telephone pole in 2025" by all means, and please confirm conditions that can be installed.
・When submitting multiple applications, be sure to give priority to the Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations.
Guide (PDF: 2,016KB) of new LED security light application to telephone pole in 2025
Click here to download the 2025 LED security light new application.
If the application place is a private road or private land, it is also necessary to submit a “[Pole] Land Use Agreement and Pledge”.
[Pole] Land Use Agreement and Pledge PDF (PDF: 114KB)
[Pole] Land use consent form and written oath Word (word: 20KB)
Notes on Application
・When applying, please be sure to obtain the understanding of the neighbors. At the installation stage, there are many cases where trouble occurs with neighbors.
・We do not accept applications from individuals. Please contact Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations.
・In 2025, we did not accept applications for new installation of steel pipe pole-type security lights.
About application of security light setting using replacement system
From 2025, applications for security light installation using the replacement system will be accepted throughout the year.
With "replacement system" which institutionalized from 2024, we remove city management security light of place where neighboring land use situation changed, and can secure enough brightness without relying on security light, This is a system to reinstall lighting on telephone poles in places where light is needed instead. Thank you very much for your consideration.
To secure the necessary lights in other ways
Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations installs, maintains and manages local security lights.
You can utilize local activity promotion costs subsidy on setting of local security light. In fiscal 2025, the use of the “Emergency Subsidy for Improvement of Regional anti-crime program Power” is advantageous and convenient.
Maintenance of local security lights If you maintain lights subject to the management fee subsidy, you will receive subsidies related to maintenance from the following fiscal year.
Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations and residential land development companies will install LED security lights independently.
After consultation with Yokohama City in advance, there is a system that allows you to donate security lights to Yokohama City after installation.
However, steel pipe pole-type security lights are not covered by the donation system.
Yokohama-shi LED security light contribution summary (PDF: 538KB)
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