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Beware of suspicious calls!

Suspicious calls have been made throughout the city calling the staff of the city hall, ward office, and social insurance office, falsely claiming insurance premiums and medical expenses's refund Kanade continuation, and guiding them to ATMs to send money. . Please be careful!

Last updated on March 12, 2024.

Specific methods

  • There is a refund of insurance premiums. I haven't filed yet, but I'd like you to tell me your account number because it's still in time today!
  • I sent you a notice of medical expenses's refund before. The deadline was the end of last month, but the procedure has not been completed yet. Please call the next Phone number in time for today!
  • There is a refund for medical expenses that I paid too much. As financial institutions cannot cope, we want you to go to ATM of city hall, convenience store, hospital and file.

What you need to be careful about

  • There are cases in which ATMs of financial institutions are guided to convenience stores and supermarkets, and recently to ATMs at hospitals and government offices, rather than ATMs with strict caution.
  • Say "the deadline is to this day" and do not give you room to think calmly or consult with others. If you pay, it will be difficult to get the money back.
  • Public officials will not call you to operate ATMs to receive refunds.
  • If you feel suspicious, please consult your nearest police department or your ward office immediately.


Inquiries to this page

Civic Affairs Bureau Regional Support Department Regional anti-crime program Support Division

Phone: 045-671-3705

Phone: 045-671-3705

Fax: 045-664-0734

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 610-100-184


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