- Yokohama-shi Top Page
- Disaster prevention and emergency services
- Disaster Prevention and Disasters
- Disasters and emergencies
- disaster prevention information related link
The text is from here.
disaster prevention information related link
Last updated on October 25, 2024.
Yokohama City Hall Departments
◎ City of Yokohama, Health and Social Welfare Bureau
└ Yokohama-shi Public Health Center
└ Yokohama City Inst. of Health
◎ City of Yokohama, Housing and Architecture Bureau
└ Building Disaster Prevention Section (disaster prevention and subsidy system for houses and buildings)
◎ City of Yokohama, Road and Highway Bureau (Road Disaster Prevention)
public utilities-related businesses, etc.
◎ Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings (electricity) (outside site)
◎ Tokyo Gas (city gas) (outside site)
◎ East Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT East) (landline) (external site)
◎ KDDI Corporation (mobile phone (au)) (external site)
◎ NTT DOCOMO, LTD. (mobile phone) (outside site)
◎ SoftBank Corp. (mobile phone) (external site)
Related organizations, etc.
◎ Nine Prefectural City Summit Meetings Disaster Prevention and Crisis Management Committee (outside site)
[The following is a page on crisis management and disaster prevention of each local government. ]
└ Kanagawa Prefecture (outside site)
└ Tokyo (outside site)
└ Chiba Prefecture (outside site)
└ Saitama Prefecture (outside site)
└ Kawasaki City (outside site)
└ Sagamihara City (outside site)
└ Chiba City (outside site)
└ Saitama City (outside site)
◎ Cabinet Office disaster prevention information page (outside site)
◎ Fire and Disaster Management Agency of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (outside site)
└ disaster prevention information e-College (learning of disaster prevention and crisis management information) (outside site)
◎ Japan Meteorological Agency (outside site)
└ Yokohama Regional Meteorological Observatory (outside site)
└ Disaster prevention enlightenment video "Let's protect yourself from sudden heavy rain, lightning and tornadoes!" (External site)
└ tsunami Disaster Prevention Awareness Video “From tsunami” (outside site)
└ tsunami Disaster Prevention Awareness Video “Preparing for tsunami” (outside site)
└ tsunami videos, pamphlets (outside site)
◎ Keihin River Office, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (outside site)
◎ Earthquake Research Promotion Headquarters (earthquake prediction map, etc.) (outside site)
Inquiries to this page
Crisis Management Division, General Affairs Bureau Crisis Management Department
Phone: 045-671-2171
Phone: 045-671-2171
Fax: 045-641-1677
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 391-493-300