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- Inundated hazard map browsing service "Catalog Pocket" (multillingual translation and speech-to-speech function)
Last updated on September 3, 2024.
The text is from here.
Inundated hazard map browsing service "Catalog Pocket" (multillingual translation and speech-to-speech function)
Catalog Pocket is a service that allows you to view flooded hazard map from your smartphone or PC.
By converting the flooded hazard map into an e-book, the text in the article will pop up and make it easier to read, as well as functions such as voice reading and multilingual automatic translation. Inundated hazard map can be viewed by searching for "hazard map inundated Yokohama" in the catalog pocket.
Please take advantage of it.
※This service is provided by Morisawa Co., Ltd. based on a contract with Yokohama City. The domain of this service is catapoke.com. (Consulted in accordance with Article 5-3, Paragraph 1 of the Yokohama City Internet Receiving Guidelines)
List of external web services used by Yokohama City
How to view, etc.
If you use it on a PC or smartphone browser, you can access it here and search for "Yokohama City Inundation hazard map".
Catalog Pocket (WEB version) (External site) (External site)
If you want to use it on a smartphone, please download it here.
iOS version (outside site) (outside site)
Android OS version (outside site) (outside site)
Inquiries to this page
Regional Disaster Prevention Section, General Affairs Bureau Crisis Management Department
Phone: 045-671-2011
Phone: 045-671-2011
Fax: 045-641-1677
E-Mail address so-chiikibousai@city.yokohama.lg.jp
Page ID: 678-597-789