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heat stroke Statistics

We will inform you of daily reports, annual reports, and related information.

Last updated on October 7, 2024.

Emergency transport status heat stroke

heat stroke Emergency Transport Status (Daily Report)

FY2024 heat stroke Emergency Transport Situation (Daily Report)

heat stroke Emergency Transport Status as of 16:00 on September 30, 2024
Transport status of heat stroke Daily forecast Mild illness Moderate disease Severe illness Serious Death

Daily forecast

- - - - - -

Newborn infants (male)

- - - - - -

Newborn infants (female)

- - - - - -
A boy (male) - - - - - -

Boy (female)

- - - - - -
Adults (males) - - - - - -
Adults (female) - - - - - -
Elderly (male) - - - - - -

Elderly (female)

- - - - - -

・The unit in the table is a person.

・The daily report will be updated until September 30, 2024.

・Information updates will be made between 11:30 and 16:30 from Monday to Friday, excluding holidays and holidays.

※From September onwards, updates will be made only at 16:30.

・Mildness is something that does not require hospitalization.

・Moderately ill is one that has no danger of life but requires hospitalization.

・Severe illness can be life-threatening.

・Seriousness is an imminent danger of life.

・Death is the death of first visit (Shoshin).

・Newborn infants are those under 7 years of age.

・A boy is a person between 7 years old and 18 years old.

・An adult is a person between 18 and 65 years old.

・Elderly people are those over 65 years old.

FY2024 heat stroke Emergency Transport Situation

Emergency transport status by heat stroke in Yokohama City in FY2024
Aggregation period Total Mild illness Moderate disease Severe illness Serious Death

From May 1st
Until September 30

1638 940 630 55 13 -

・The unit in the table is a person.

heat stroke Emergency Transport Status Daily Graph

It is an image of the fire brigade Hama-kun, the rescue squad Hama-kun, and the rescue squad Hama-kun.

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Inquiries to this page

Emergency Planning Division, Fire Bureau Emergency Department

Phone: 045-334-6413

Phone: 045-334-6413

Fax: 045-334-6710

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 961-516-080


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