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- initial-stage fire-fighting techniques. equipment
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initial-stage fire-fighting techniques. equipment
Last updated on April 10, 2024.
How to use initial-stage fire-fighting techniques. Instruments Video Planning and Production supervised by Noge Printing Co., Ltd. City of Yokohama, Fire Bureau
- initial-stage fire-fighting techniques. equipment using fire hydrants
- Instruments attached to initial-stage fire-fighting techniques. Instruments
- About initial-stage fire-fighting techniques. equipment maintenance costs subsidy project
Standpipe initial-stage fire-fighting techniques. Equipment Handling Manual (PDF: 689KB)
In order to prevent the spread of fires that occurred in the region during a large-scale earthquake, the initial-stage fire-fighting techniques.initial-stage fire-fighting techniques. box and a stand-pipe initial-stage fire-fighting techniques. appliance areinitial-stage fire-fighting techniques.-based equipment.
In both cases, hoses are connected to fire hydrants to discharge water, but stand-pipe initial-stage fire-fighting techniques. equipment is a portable fire extinguisher that facilitates connection to fire hydrants and loads necessary equipment on a trolley.
Since it can be easily handled and has excellent mobility, it is expected to have a wide range of activities.
Standpipe type initial-stage fire-fighting techniques. instrument
initial-stage fire-fighting techniques. box
Here are some of the equipment that comes with initial-stage fire-fighting techniques. equipment.
Fire hose This equipment is used to guide water for fire extinguishing from a fire hydrant.
Brokerage metal fittings It is a device for connecting an outlet with a different caliber.
Fire hydrant key This device allows you to open the lid of the fire hydrant and turn the spindle.
Tip of the cylinder This equipment is used to attach to fire extinguishing hoses and discharge water.
Standpipe It is a device that facilitates water supply to the fire hose when the fire hydrant is deep.
We support the introduction of initial-stage fire-fighting techniques. equipment at Fire Bureau.
Organizations eligible for subsidies
This applies to a single Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations that meets the following three criteria:
・There is a fire hydrant in the area.
・If houses are dense and a fire occurs, there is a risk of spreading fire.
・Training can be conducted on a regular basis.
Subsidized expenses
New installation of initial-stage fire-fighting techniques. equipment or renewal of all equipment
The amount shall be equivalent to 2/3 of the cost (tax included) required for the maintenance of initial-stage fire-fighting techniques. equipment, and the maximum amount shall be 200,000 yen per case.
In the case of partial renewal of initial-stage fire-fighting techniques. equipment
The amount shall be equivalent to 2/3 of the cost (tax included) required for the maintenance of initial-stage fire-fighting techniques. equipment, and the maximum amount shall be 70,000 yen per case.
※This means installing a new initial-stage fire-fighting techniques. instrument in the same place when initial-stage fire-fighting techniques. equipment owned by Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations becomes difficult to use due to aging or other reasons.
※Some renewals include updating some equipment, such as updating fire hoses, and adding new equipment (stand pipes and trolleys) to the initial-stage fire-fighting techniques. box owned by Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations.
※If the fire hydrant lid opening key you own is an old type, you may not be able to open the new fire hydrant lid. If the fire hydrant near the existing initial-stage fire-fighting techniques. equipment has been replaced with a new fire hydrant, renewal to the new fire hydrant lid opening and closing key is also covered.
Acceptance period
The application period for subsidy grant applications is from April 1, 2024 to September 30, 2024.
※For inquiries such as application requirements and documents, please contact the fire department in your ward.
Outlines, etc.
※Please refer to the guide for details.
initial-stage fire-fighting techniques. equipment maintenance costs subsidy grant summary (PDF: 310KB)
Various styles such as applications (word: 25KB)
Guidance of subsidy grant (PDF: 1,702KB)
initial-stage fire-fighting techniques. Box Specifications (Power Point: 362KB)
Standpipe initial-stage fire-fighting techniques. Instrument Specifications (Power Point: 310KB)
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Page ID: 583-871-065