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- Fire Department
- Announcement from Fire Bureau
- Preparedness at offices and hazardous materials facilities due to typhoons and heavy rains
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Preparedness at offices and hazardous materials facilities due to typhoons and heavy rains
Last updated on September 9, 2020.
It is assumed that a power outage will occur due to a typhoon or heavy rain, and the recovery will be prolonged, so firefighting equipment installed at offices etc. may not operate.
In addition, hazardous materials facilities may be located in areas where flooding of rivers, flooding of high tides, etc. is expected, or abnormal reactions may occur due to power outages at plants and other facilities.
Let's take necessary precautionary measures for the following items.
About firefighting equipment installed in offices, etc.
- If you are using storage battery equipment or emergency power receiving equipment as emergency power supplies for firefighting equipment, etc., take the following measures in case the firefighting equipment does not operate due to a long-term power outage .
- Fire extinguishing equipment
Reconfirm the installation location and usage of fire extinguisher and simple fire extinguishing equipment, and reconfirm the manual operation procedure for automatic fire extinguishing equipment such as inert gas fire extinguishing equipment and halide fire extinguishing equipment. - Alarm equipment
Carefully monitor the fire source of stoves and other fire-using equipment and appliances through patrols by related parties such as business establishments, etc., to detect fires early, and to communicate within the installation range of alarm equipment and disseminate information Please secure. - Evacuation facilities
Please reconfirm the evacuation guidance system and evacuation route by related parties such as offices.
- Fire extinguishing equipment
- If private power generation equipment is used as an emergency power source for firefighting equipment, etc., try to secure the necessary fuel for private power generation equipment, etc., and immediately stop operation after the regular power supply is restored (automatically when the regular power supply is restored) Excluding those that stop operation.) And take measures to prevent the function in the event of a fire by replenishment of fuel. In particular, be aware that some of the engine parts of the private power generation equipment need to be aired in order to operate properly if fuel is replenished after the fuel becomes empty.
- Some automatic fire alarm equipment emits an abnormal alarm due to a decrease in the capacity of the spare power supply due to a long-term power outage. Check with the inspection company about how to stop the alarm sound, check method at the time of restoration, etc.).
Matters related to dangerous goods facilities
- Please note the following items regarding ensuring the safety of dangerous goods facilities due to long-term power outages due to storms and floods.
- Security Management
Please check the measures to be taken in the event of a power outage and implement appropriate management. - Notes on the operation of in-house power generation facilities
If a new disaster such as an earthquake occurs during the operation of the private power generation equipment, reconfirm the safety, such as damage to the service tank and piping of the power generation equipment, no oil leakage, etc., and restart it. please. - Safety measures at plants, etc.
In the event that an explosion may occur due to abnormal reactions, etc., due to a power outage, etc., and there is a danger of stopping other facilities, secure emergency power supplies and fuel necessary for the power supply etc. Please secure.
- Security Management
- At hazardous materials facilities that are expected to be flooded by river flooding and flooding caused by high tides, etc., items that are dangerous when exposed to water, such as water-prohibited substances and molten metals, such as high-temperature materials of metal.
- Move to high altitudes that are not affected by flooding
- Store in watertight sections
- Metal molten stop heating of high heat materials in advance and lower the temperature sufficiently.
Please take such measures.
In addition, for equipment that is important for handling hazardous materials such as oil storage tanks and pump equipment, if necessary, prevent flooding and take emergency measures in the event of damage.
- Please consult with the fire department in each district for temporary storage and handling of hazardous materials for smooth fuel supply in disaster area.
In addition, "Notes on Dangerous Goods Security in the Event of Wind and Flood Damage and damage situation Survey of Dangerous Goods Facilities" (Firefighting Danger No. 179 dated September 27, 2018) (Fire and Disaster Management Agency website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications) (external site) Please take necessary measures referring to.
Inquiries to this page
Prevention Division, Fire Bureau Prevention Department
Phone: 045-334-6406
Phone: 045-334-6406
Fax: 045-334-6610
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 352-821-004