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- Status of issuance of appropriate marks, etc.
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Status of issuance of appropriate marks, etc.
For those who use hotels and inns in Yokohama City, please check the status of granting "Appropriate Marks"!
Last updated on December 17, 2024.
List of eligible mark grant facilities in Yokohama City
As of November 27, 2024, we have issued 69 appropriate marks to hotels and inns in Yokohama City.
When staying in Yokohama, please make sure that the appropriate mark is issued to the accommodation.
List of suitable mark grant facilities in Yokohama-shi (PDF: 104KB)
What is an appropriate mark?
Based on applications from hotels, inns, etc., the fire department will examine it and issue it if it conforms to certain standards for fire prevention and disaster prevention stipulated in the Fire Service Law and the Building Standards Law are suitable marks.
In addition, facilities to which the appropriate mark has been issued can post the appropriate mark on the front desk or on the website.
In addition, facilities subject to the appropriate mark system are those with 3 or more floors excluding the basement and a capacity of 30 or more.
In Yokohama-shi, we started posting on October 1, 2014.
Appropriate Mark System Implementation Guidelines (PDF: 677KB)
Operation of the Suitable Mark System Implementation Guidelines (PDF: 848KB)
Type of appropriate mark
There are two types of suitable marks: gold and silver.
If you have obtained the “Appropriate Mark (silver)” for three years, the “Appropriate Mark (Gold)” will be issued.
Appropriate mark
Fire and Disaster Management Agency website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
Click the display below to open the display system explanation page on the Fire and Disaster Management Agency homepage of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.
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Inquiries to this page
Fire Bureau Prevention Department Guidance Division
Phone: 045-334-6408
Phone: 045-334-6408
Fax: 045-334-6610
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 480-196-687