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Evacuation from Fire

Let's escape, protect, that life

Last updated on February 15, 2023.

Every year, many people die in Yokohama City due to fire, of which about 70% are due to "escape delay".
Early evacuation is important to save lives from fire.
Here are 10 steps to prevent fires and escape delays and save lives.
Furthermore, in 2021, a building fire in Kita-ku, Osaka, caused by a large number of casualties.
This section introduces the points of evacuation behavior to save lives from the "Evacuation Action Guidelines" formulated by the Fire and Disaster Management Agency of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.

Progress of deaths due to house fires in Yokohama City

In Yokohama City, 195 people have died due to house fires in the past 10 years (2011-2012) (excluding arson suicides).
Looking at the progress of the outbreak, about 70% are late to escape, and others include clothing igniting that ignites clothing and returning to homes after evacuation. .

Number of deaths (excluding arson suicides) by fire [2011-2010]

10 steps to save lives from fire

~ Home Edition ~

~Going out~

The direct stairs are one building

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Prevention Division, Fire Bureau Prevention Department

Phone: 045-334-6406

Phone: 045-334-6406

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