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Status of asbestos measures in public buildings

Last updated on March 10, 2025.

About asbestos measures situation of buildings under the jurisdiction of Fire Bureau

For facilities that use asbestos-containing spraying materials under the jurisdiction of Fire Bureau, facilities that are defined as "enclosed" and "facilities that do not take measures for the time being" are subject to appropriate maintenance and management, such as by measuring the amount of floating each year in principle. For facilities under the jurisdiction of the authorities, we will report the results of the measurement of suspended amount as shown in the table below.

※"Facilities that do not require immediate measures" means that the asbestos content contained in the spraying material is as low as 1% or less in mechanical rooms where citizens do not enter, that it is a relatively low toxic chrysotile, Due to the fact that the spraying material is solidified rather than cotton, etc., the facility will be properly maintained and managed, such as measuring the suspended amount every year, and at the time of facility renovation.

Facilities that do not require immediate measures (one location)
LocationName of the facilityRoom nameSpraying status
4144, Totsukacho, Totsuka-kuTotsuka fire department2nd floor, libraryExposure (solidated)
Asbestos suspended amount (*1) measurement results
Measurement timeMeasurement results (f/l)Lower limit of quantification (*2)
R6.11.27Less than 0.30.3

※1) According to a WHO (World Health Organization) insurance report on the amount of asbestos suspended, "The asbestos concentration in the general environment in urban areas around the world is 1 to 10 bottles / liter (1 to 10 fibers per liter of air) About 10 bottles) ", and it is stated that the effect on health cannot be found at this level.
※2) This is the value set by the measuring organization for measurement, and there are differences for each institution.

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