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2025 Asahi Ward Fire Service First Ceremony

Last updated on January 11, 2025.

Update information

October 18, 2024 
"2025 Asahi Ward Fire Fighting First Ceremony" special page has been opened!
November 15, 2024
・We have opened an application form for "Music Band Priority Viewers"!
・Details such as the contents of the implementation and notes on the day are described!
December 24, 2024
・The time schedule of the ceremony has been updated!
・The list of awardees has been updated!
・I added the notes on the day!
・We have released a map of the museum on the day!
・The application for the music band parent and child priority seats has been closed!
December 26, 2024
・We updated performance song of firefighting music band!
January 11, 2025
・We have opened a questionnaire form! (←New!! )


 In addition to expressing our gratitude to the residents and companies who have contributed to disaster prevention and reduce disaster damage in Asahi Ward, we will hold the "2025 Asahi Ward Fire Fighting First Ceremony" as a disaster prevention awareness event for parents and children!

Outline of the event

Date and time of the event

From 10:00 to 11:00 on Saturday, January 11, 2025

Time schedule of the ceremony
TimeAs soon as possible
9:40 ~Opening of the auditorium
10:00~Word of the Opening Ceremony
10:21~Greetings from the Fire Department
10:25~Congratulations to the guest
10:40~Introduction of guests
10:45~Fire music band mini concert
10:57~Executive Committee Greetings
※Depending on the progress of the ceremony, the time may vary slightly.


Asahi public hall and Asahi fire department

Map of public hall building on the day

Event on the day

Events for each venue

public hall

Ceremony, commendation, performance by fire music band
We would like to express our gratitude to the residents and companies who have contributed to the disaster prevention and reduce disaster damage in Asahi Ward. Please enjoy the performance by the Yokohama Fire Music Band in the latter half of the ceremony!

public hall

Water fire extinguisher experience, smoke experience house, disaster prevention quiz, various prizes
Learn how to evacuate in initial-stage fire-fighting techniques. and dark smoke during fire incident, take a quiz and get a wonderful prize!

Fire Station     

Exhibition of vehicles and equipment, children's fire protection clothing, appearance panels
We will display fire trucks, ambulances, and equipment loaded on them. You may be able to become a firefighter by wearing cool fire protection clothing or taking pictures with fire fighter's appearance panel! ?

※1 In the event of congestion, please cooperate to line up according to the instructions of the staff.

※2 Due to circumstances such as participation in disasters, it may not be possible to display vehicles and equipment. Thank you for your understanding.

※3 Prizes are limited in number. Please note that it will end as soon as it is gone.

Performance of the Fire Music Band

・100% courage
・Anpanman's March

All those who receive awards

Asahi Fire Prevention Association Chairman's Award
※(★) Mark is today's representative recipient.
General Contributors (3 organizations)
Kiyomasa-kai, a special elderly nursing home for the elderly, Mr. Kiyomori Grinside (★)
Mr. Shinsami Co., Ltd.
Nissan Education Center, Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.
Kanagawa Prefectural Governor's Award
※(★) Mark is today's representative recipient.
Long-term service excellent fire brigade employees 20 years (24)
Kazuma Suzuki, head of the first branch groupYuichi Miura, a member of the first branch groupKenichiro Ninomiya, Member of the First Branch
Tsutomu Yamazaki, a member of the Second BranchKazuhisa Uemura, a member of the Second BranchKazuhiko Kitayama, Member of the Second Branch
Yasuhiro Endo, a member of the Third Branch DivisionYuichiro Uchida, Chief of the Third Branch DivisionHiroki Takahashi, Member of the Third Branch
Yoshiyuki Saito, Chief of the Third Branch DivisionMr. Muneaki Yamamoto, Member of the Third BranchNobuyuki Nagaiwazaki (★)
Kazushige Saito, a member of the Third BranchShuji Iwasaki, a member of the Third BranchToshiyuki Hirama, Member of the Fourth Branch
Shigeru Abe, a member of the 4th BranchMitsuyoshi Sedo, a member of the 4th BranchMasanori Hayakawa, a member of the 4th Branch
Seiko Nishida, Member of the Fifth BranchAtsuko Horikawa, General Manager of the Fifth DivisionMr. Koji Morita, Member of the Fifth Branch
Yutaka Horikawa, Member of the Fifth BranchJun Nakamura, Member of the Fifth BranchKazuhiko Saito, Member of the Fifth Division

Yokohama Mayor's Award
※(★) Mark is today's representative recipient.
Excellent fire brigade employees (6)
Tatsuo Kawashima, General Manager of the First BranchJunyu Fujita, General Manager of the Second Branch DivisionTakeshi Yamane, General Manager of the Second Branch
Kumiko Yoshikawa, General Manager of the Third DivisionYoko Iwaki, General Manager of the Fourth DivisionYuki Saito, Deputy Chief of the Fifth Division
fire brigade employees 30 years (12 people)
Tadaji Toyama, General Manager of the Group Headquarters (★)Hiroyuki Asaga, head of the first branch groupTadashi Kawahara, Chief of the Second Branch Division
Junyu Fujita, General Manager of the Second Branch DivisionToshinori Masuda, General Manager of the Second DivisionSatoru Miida, General Manager of the Second Division
Akihiko Aoki, General Manager of the Third Branch DivisionKatsuji Nagai, a member of the Third BranchYosuke Osada, Deputy Branch of the Fourth Branch
Kazuhisa Abe, General Manager of the Fourth DivisionKazumi Yokomizo, Member of the Fourth BranchTakashi Isono, a member of the fourth branch group
Long-term service excellent fire brigade employees 20 years (24)
Kazuma Suzuki, head of the first branch groupYuichi Miura, a member of the first branch groupKenichiro Ninomiya, Member of the First Branch
Tsutomu Yamazaki, a member of the Second BranchKazuhisa Uemura, a member of the Second BranchKazuhiko Kitayama, Member of the Second Branch
Yasuhiro Endo, a member of the Third Branch DivisionYuichiro Uchida, Chief of the Third Branch DivisionHiroki Takahashi, Member of the Third Branch
Yoshiyuki Saito, Chief of the Third Branch DivisionMr. Muneaki Yamamoto, Member of the Third BranchNobuyuki Nagaiwazaki, the third branch group
Kazushige Saito, a member of the Third BranchShuji Iwasaki, a member of the Third BranchToshiyuki Hirama, Member of the Fourth Branch
Shigeru Abe, a member of the 4th BranchMitsuyoshi Sedo, a member of the 4th BranchMasanori Hayakawa, a member of the 4th Branch
Seiko Nishida, Member of the Fifth BranchAtsuko Horikawa, General Manager of the Fifth DivisionMr. Koji Morita, Member of the Fifth Branch
Yutaka Horikawa, Member of the Fifth BranchJun Nakamura, Member of the Fifth BranchKazuhiko Saito, Member of the Fifth Division


City of Yokohama, Fire Bureau Award
※(★) Mark is today's representative recipient.
Excellent fire brigade employees (6)
Miki Kamiya, General Manager, First Branch (★)Toru Niino, head of the first branch groupMichiyo Yamanashi, General Manager, Second Branch Division
Masaaki Eda, General Manager of the Third DivisionHidetoshi Shimura, General Manager of the Fourth DivisionYuji Nagai, General Manager of the Fifth Division
Long-term service excellent fire brigade employees 10 years (13)
Teruo Saiki, a member of the First BranchHideyuki Sugiyama, head of the first branch groupYukie Moriya, Chief of the Third Branch Group
Yayuki Inoue, a member of the Third BranchYuki Mochida, a member of the Third BranchYukiko Mima, Member of the Fourth Branch
Yoshimi Mima, Chief of the Fourth Branch GroupHiroaki Murakami, Member of the Fourth BranchMorio Kurihara, Member of the Fourth Branch
4th Branch Member Toru YamakoshiTakeshi Miyahara, head of the fourth branch groupShinji Funahashi, Member of the Fifth Branch
Nobunori Horie, Member of the Fifth Branch  
General Contributors (3 organizations)
Niji no Kai Uenohara Nursery School (★)
YSE Gakuen Yokohama System Kogakuin College
Mr. Neighborhood Association of Sasanodai District Union

Asahi fire department Award
※(★) Mark is today's representative recipient.
General Contributors (3 organizations)
Mr. Tsuokacho Neighborhood Association (★)Wakabadai Junior High School, Yokohama CityYokohama City Yokohama Zoo

Asahi Fire Commander's Award
※(★) Mark is today's representative recipient.
Excellent fire brigade employees (6)
Kiyomi Yamazaki, Group 1Munetaka Tokumasu, Chief of the Second Branch DivisionMasaaki Inoue, head of the third branch group
Yumiko Sakano, General Manager of the Fourth Branch Group (★)Ben Nakamura, Member of the Fourth BranchShuhei Miyazaki, Chief of the Fifth Branch Group
Long-term service excellent fire brigade employees 10 years (13)
Teruo Saiki, a member of the First BranchHideyuki Sugiyama, head of the first branch groupYukie Moriya, Chief of the Third Branch Group
Yayuki Inoue, a member of the Third BranchYuki Mochida, a member of the Third BranchYukiko Mima, Member of the Fourth Branch
Yoshimi Mima, Chief of the Fourth Branch GroupHiroaki Murakami, Member of the Fourth BranchMorio Kurihara, Member of the Fourth Branch
4th Branch Member Toru YamakoshiTakeshi Miyahara, head of the fourth branch groupShinji Funahashi, Member of the Fifth Branch
Nobunori Horie, Member of the Fifth Branch  
Award for fire brigade family members (3)
Tomoko Sugiyama, First Branch (★)Mr. Satoshi Tanaka, Second BranchMr. Hiroki Endo, Third Branch
General Contributors (1 organization)
Mr. Hiroaki Uchida, Chairman of Neighborhood Association, Asahi Southern District Alliance (★)

About application of firefighting music band "parent and child viewing priority seat"

Application has been closed as of December 23.
Thank you very much for your application.

Notes on the day

①Please come by public transportation to the first ceremony. (There is no reduction or exemption of parking tickets!)
②The capacity to enter the auditorium of Asahi public hall is limited.
 Please note that if the capacity is reached, you will not be able to enter the auditorium.
③Congestion of each venue is expected, so please cooperate to follow the instructions of the staff.
④After changing the diaper of your child, please take it home.

Request for cooperation in the questionnaire

Thank you very much for coming to the Asahi Ward fire ceremony in 2025. 
Please let us know your frank opinions and impressions so that we can refer to them in the future.
Questionnaire form (outside site)

Management Organization

Asahi Ward Fire Department First Ceremony Executive Committee

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Inquiries to this page

Fire Bureau Asahi fire department General Affairs and Prevention Division

Phone: 045-951-0119

Phone: 045-951-0119

Fax: 045-951-0119

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 349-695-376


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