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- Fire station in Yokohama city
- Konan fire department
- Introduction of Konan fire department
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Introduction of Konan fire department
Last updated on December 5, 2024.
2025 Konan Ward Fire Service First Ceremony
Date and time: From 10:50 to 11:10 on Saturday, January 11, 2025
※The vehicle will be on display until 11:30.
Location: Konan Fureai Park (Konan 4-chome 2-chome, Konan-ku)
Contents: General training presentation (vehicle march / fire drills / simultaneous water discharge)
It will be canceled during stormy weather.
Konan fire department PR Video - Determination Determination
~ I would be happy if we could deliver the "feelings" and "determination" of firefighting to everyone through the video ~
Simultaneous discharge of Konan fire brigade
This section introduces the simultaneous discharge of water by Konan fire brigade, the first ceremony of the Konan Ward Fire Department.
I hope you will be able to deliver the thoughts and determination of Konan fire brigade to everyone through the video.
Overview of Konan fire department
In the old days, it was a rural area surrounded by lush natural hills, but during the period of high economic growth, residential land development has progressed, and it is now developing as a city where about 220,000 people live.
Three railway lines run in the ward, and Kamiooka and Konandai are lined with department stores, supermarkets and shops with a wide selection of products, making it one of the best shopping areas in the city.
On the other hand, valuable nature is left in the ward, such as a dedicated area for agriculture, a forest for citizens, Mt. Enkai, and the Maarai River Seseragi Green Road.
In addition, cultural activities, sports, international exchange, and volunteer activities are also actively conducted, and lively voices are heard every day from the Konan Citizens' Cultural Center "Himawari no Sato" and the Konan International Exchange Lounge.
In Konan fire department, in addition to the main office in the ward, Serigaya, Noba, Konandai and Kaminagaya fire departments are located in the ward, and approximately 180 staff members and 28 fire trucks provide fire, emergency and rescue operations in the ward day and night.
4-2-10 Konan, Konan-ku, Yokohama (2nd floor in Konan Ward General Government Building)
Contact information
Telephone and fax: 045-844-0119
Access map
“Notification of fire prevention management”, “Application for fire prevention and disaster prevention management training”, “fire drills”, “Firefighting equipment”
Inquiries and reception services related to fire prevention such as "firefighting consent" and "start of use" are available.
From Monday to Friday (excluding holidays) from 8:45 to 12:00, from 13:00 to 17:00
(The break time will be from 12:00 to 13:00.)
※Inspection staff and guidance staff often go out in the afternoon, so please consult with us in the morning if possible.
※Please come to the fire department entrance on weekdays, nights and holidays.
※During the daytime on weekdays, it is convenient to come to the fire department on the second floor using the escalator on the ward office side.
Area in charge
Kami-Ooka Higashi 1-chome, Kami-Ooka Higashi 2-chome, Kami-Ooka Higashi 3-chome, Kami-Ooka Nishi 1-chome, Kami-Ooka Nishi 2-chome, Kami-Ooka Nishi 3-chome
Noto 1-chome, Noto 2-chome
Okubo 1-chome, Okubo 2-chome, Okubo 3-chome
Sasashita 1-chome, Sasashita 2-chome, Sasashita 3-chome, Sasashita 4-chome, Sasa Shimogo chome, Sasashita 6-chome, Sasashita 7-chome
Konan 1-chome, Konan 2-chome, Konan 3-chome, Konan 4-chome, Konan 5-chome, Konan 6-chome, Konan Chuo-dori
Hino 1-chome, Hino 2-chome, Hino 3-chome, Hino 4-chome, Hino 5-chome, Hino Chuo 1-chome
Placed vehicles
Konan Commander
Konan No. 1 Fire Brigade
Konan No. 2 Fire Brigade
Konan ladder fire brigade
Konan Mini Fire Brigade
Konan firefighting Motorcycle Corps
Konan No. 1 Emergency Service
Konan No. 2 Emergency Service
Konan Horse Transport Unit
Yokohama Disaster Risk Reduction Learning Center (outside site)
Inquiries to this page
Fire Bureau Konan fire department General Affairs and Prevention Division
Phone: 045-844-0119
Phone: 045-844-0119
Fax: 045-844-0119
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 948-722-193