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Konan fire brigade

Last updated on May 27, 2024.

Announcement from Konan fire brigade

Introduction of Konan fire brigade

☆Recruitment of fire brigade staff☆

What is fire brigade?

fire brigade, a member of the Konan Ward, is a part-time local government employee who works to protect the lives and property of Yokohama citizens with the spirit of "protecting the local community!" In Konan fire brigade, employees from 18 to 70 years old, full-time housewives, part-time workers and students work as fire brigade members.

What kind of activities are you doing?

We conduct daily training and training to prepare for large-scale disasters such as fires, earthquakes and storms and floods. In addition to disaster activities, we also conduct life-saving training at schools and other places, security at events in Neighborhood Associations, and publicity for fire prevention. In addition, Konan Ward is home to large-scale customer-acquisition facilities centered on Kami-Ooka Station and Konandai Station, downtown areas and large-scale housing complex.

Can women be active in fire brigade?

Fifty female members are active in Konan fire brigade. In addition to male members, many female members participate in life-saving training at schools and Neighborhood Associations, as well as training on stand-pipe initial-stage fire-fighting techniques. equipment. In addition to serving the same menu as male members in daily training, we also provide training for female members, which is a valuable force for Konan fire brigade. It's morale, cheerful and energetic!

Training at Konan fire brigade

We conduct various trainings and trainings throughout the year to improve the capabilities of individual fire brigade employees and to enhance and strengthen disaster and fire response capabilities.

Cooperation in measures for natural disaster Training

Rescue equipment handling training

Long-distance water transmission training

☆Water supply in cooperation with staff☆

Training for new members and 5th year of joining

Advanced lifesaving course

Organizational structure of Konan fire brigade

Organization of Konan fire brigade (as of May 1, 2024)
fire brigade Headquarters 1 Headquarters
Number of branches 5 Branches
Number of groups 15 groups
Number of Members 279 people
Number of female fire brigade 50 people
Loading vehicles 16 units
Equipment storage area 17 buildings
Portable small power pump 20 units

Personnel composition by class (assistant) of Konan fire brigade
Class Personnel
Leader 1 person
Deputy Director 2 people
General Manager, Division 4 people
Chief of the Branch 5 people
Deputy Branch Manager 10 people
Director 25 people
Group leader 42 people
Members 190 people

Area in charge of Konan fire brigade

First Branch
Group Area in charge
Group 1 Higashi-Nagaya 1-chome to 2-chome (excluding some), Serigaya 1-chome to 5-chome, Higashiserigaya, Shimonagaya 1-chome to 2-chome (excluding some)
Group 2 Shimonagaya 1-chome to 6-chome (excluding some), Hikiyama 1-chome (excluding some)
Group 3 Higashi-Nagaya 1-chome to 3-chome (excluding some), Serigaya 4-chome (excluding some)

Second Branch
Group Area in charge
Group 1 Kami-Ooka Higashi 1-chome to 3-chome, Kami-Ooka Nishi 1-chome
Group 2 Kami-Ooka Higashi 2-chome (except some), Kami-Ooka Nishi 2-chome to 3-chome
Group 3 Okubo 1-chome to 3-chome, Modo 1-chome to 2-chome

Third Branch
Group Area in charge
Group 1 Konan 1-chome to 6-chome, Konan Chuo-dori, Sasashita 1-chome (except some)
Group 2 Sasashita 1-chome to 3-chome
Group 3 Sasashita 4-chome to 7-chome

4th Branch
Group Area in charge
Group 1 Hino 1-chome to 6-chome, Hino Chuo 1-chome
Group 2 Hino 7-chome (except some), Hino 8-chome to 9-chome, Hino Minami 1-chome to 7-chome, Konandai 2-chome to 6-chome, Konandai 9-chome
Group 3 Konandai 1-chome, Konandai 7-chome to 8-chome, Hino Chuo 2-chome to 3-chome

Fifth Branch
Group Area in charge
Group 1 Kaminagaya 1-chome to 6-chome, Maruyamadai 1-chome to 2-chome (except some),
Maruyamadai 3-chome to 4-chome, Hikiyama 1-chome (except some) Hikiyama 2-chome to 4-chome
Group 2 Nobacho (except some), Maruyamadai 1-chome to 2-chome (excluding some), Hino 2-chome (partial)
Group 3 Nobacho (except some) and Kaminagaya-cho

History of Konan fire brigade

In 1969, along with population growth, the city of Yokohama reorganized 10 administrative districts into 14 administrative districts, separated from Minami Ward to create Konan Ward. fire brigade was also separated from Ooka fire brigade, Yokohama, and Konan fire brigade was newly established. At the time of its inception, it was engaged in fire brigade activities to protect the lives, bodies and property of approximately 96,000 Konan residents from disasters under the conditions of one headquarters, five branch offices, five storage areas, five portable small power pumps, and 248 fire brigade chiefs and below. At that time, Konan Ward was in the process of development, and since the development of Shimonagaya, Kaminagaya and Serigaya areas was actively carried out, one new branch was added on April 1, 1982, with the aim of strengthening the disaster prevention system in this area. In 1997, with the addition of female fire brigade employees, as of November 1, 2007, one headquarters, six branches, 22 equipment storage units, 23 portable small power pumps, 18 portable small power pumps, and 266 people, including fire chiefs, have been conducting fire brigade activities based on the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, fire brigade, Japan. As a result, the former first branch was integrated with the second branch, becoming a new two branch, and the name of the former first branch was taken over by the six branches to become the new one branch. As a result, one headquarters and five branches have a system of 285 people.

Inquiries to this page

Fire Bureau Konan fire department General Affairs and Prevention Division

Phone: 045-844-0119

Phone: 045-844-0119

Fax: 045-844-0119

E-Mail address [email protected]

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