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Green fire brigade

Last updated on January 31, 2023.

Introduction of Green fire brigade

This is a picture of Green fire brigade

Midori fire brigade was renamed from fire brigade Kawawa in 1969 by a branch from Kohoku Ward. In addition, following the reorganization of administrative districts in November 1994 (the establishment of Aoba Ward and Tsuzuki Ward  ), as of January 1, 2023, there are 18 groups of 1 headquarters and 4 branches, 18 vehicles equipped with portable fire trucks, 24 portable pumps, and 346 members. To protect Midori Ward people from fires and disasters, we are making every effort to prevent local disasters.

Recruitment of Midori fire brigade!

Image of recruitment of Midori fire brigade staff

Midori fire brigade is recruiting new members from time to time.
Please take a look at the brochure!
Pamphlet (PDF: 1,407KB)

Green fire brigade portable small pump loaded vehicle

Image of Green fire brigade loaded vehicle

I would like to introduce the pump loaded vehicles located in Green fire brigade.
Introduction of Green fire brigade loading vehicles (PDF: 1,083KB)

Results of FY2022 Activities

Training for Female fire brigade Employees

This is a photo of the training of female fire brigade staff.

Date and time: Saturday, April 16, 2022, Thursday, May 19, 2022
Contents: Training such as training ceremonies, water discharge training, and basic tying were conducted.

Midori Ward People's Festival

This is a photo of the Midori Ward Folk Festival

Date and time: Sunday, October 16, 2022
Location: Prefectural Shikinomori Park and Midori Ward Office
Contents: We exhibited loading vehicles, emergency rescue classes, etc.

Nakayama Festival

This is a photo of Nakayama Festival

Date and time: Thursday, November 3
Location: Around the south exit of Nakayama Station
Contents: We carried out vehicle display and publicity for recruitment of fire brigade staff.

2022 Green fire brigade Small Pump Operation Training Meeting

This is a photo of the small pump operation.

Date and time: Sunday, November 6, 2022
Contents: A small pump operation training was conducted to quickly carry out water discharge activities using portable small pumps with moderation behavior.

2023 Midori Ward Fire Service First Ceremony

This is a photo of the first ceremony of the Midori Ward Fire Department in 2023.

Date and time: Saturday, January 7, 2023
Location: Tokaichiba Ground
Contents: We carried out simultaneous water discharge at the first firefighting ceremony. The Midori Ward fire ceremony was held for the first time in three years.

Results for FY2019 and FY2019 Annual Activities

Yokohama City Fire Fighting Maneuver Training Course “fire brigade Department”

Image of "fire brigade" section of Yokohama firefighting maneuver training meeting

Schedule Saturday, November 16, 2019
Location: Yokohama-shi Fire Academy
Contents: We competed for time by operating with a portable small pump and a 65mm hose.

Yokohama-shi firefighting technical training meeting (PDF: 1,569KB)

Midori Ward People's Festival 2019

Image of Midori Ward Min Festival 2019

Schedule Sunday, October 20, 2019
Location: Prefectural Shiki no Mori Park
Contents: The fire brigade PR booth was set up at the Midori Ward People's Festival to provide information on recruitment of members and guidance on cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Midori Ward People's Festival 2019 (PDF: 1,150KB)

Specialized education “Institutional Department”

Image of specialized education "Institutional Department"

Schedule Sunday, July 28, 2019, Wednesday, August 7, 2019
Location: Midori fire department, Kamoi Driving School
Contents: After pumping training with portable small pumps and vehicle driving training for emergency vehicles, we completed specialized education "Institutional Course".

Special Education “Institutional Department” (PDF: 1,358KB)

Advanced lifesaving course

Image of advanced lifesaving course

Schedule Saturday, June 29, 2019
Location: Midori fire department
Contents: After completing courses on cardiopulmonary resuscitation, injured transportation, and treatment using a triangular band, he was certified to have lifesaving skills.

Advanced lifesaving course (PDF: 359KB)

Training for female fire brigade employees

Image of training for female fire brigade employees

Schedule Sunday, April 21, 2019
Location: Midori fire department
Contents: The female fire brigade staff conducted formal training and tying training to improve individual skills.

Female fire brigade Training (PDF: 544KB)

Basic training for newcomers

Image of basic training for newcomers

Schedule Sunday, April 14, 2019
Location: Midori fire department
Contents: Newcomers provided basic training such as formal training, hose extension, and tying training.

Basic training for new members (PDF: 452KB)

Organizational structure of Midori fire brigade

Green fire brigade Organization (as of January 1, 2023)
fire brigade Headquarters 1 Headquarters
Number of branches 4 branches
Number of groups 18 groups
Number of Members 346 people
Female fire brigade (inside) 54 people
Loading vehicles 18 units
Equipment storage area 18 buildings
Portable small power pump 24 units

Area in charge of Green fire brigade

First Branch
Group Area in charge
Group 1

Higashi Hongo-cho, Higashi Hongo 1-chome to Higashi Hongo 6-chome

Group 2

From Kamoi 1-chome to Kamoi 7-chome
From Takeyama 1-chome to Takeyama 4-chome

Group 3 From Hakusan 1-chome to Hakusan 4-chome
Group 4 From Ueyama 1-chome to Ueyama 3-chome
Group 5 From Hajime Nakayama Chome to Nakayama 6 Chome

Second Branch
Group Area in charge
Group 1 Terayamacho
Group 2 Daimuracho, Mori nodai
Group 3 Mihocho
Group 4 Niiharucho
Group 5

Tokaichiba-cho, Kirigaoka 1-chome to 6-chome
A part of Nagatsuda Minamidai 6-chome, Nagatsuda Minamidai 7-chome

Third Branch
Group Area in charge
Group 1 Kitahassakucho
Group 2 Aotocho
Group 3 Oyama-cho
Group 4 Nishihassakucho

4th Branch
Group Area in charge
Group 1

Nagatsuda-cho (Tando Okabe), Nagatsuda Minamidai 2-chome

Group 2

Nagatsuda-cho (O Maeda), a part of Nagatsuda 6-chome, Nagatsuda 7-chome
Nagatsuda Minamidai 1-chome, Nagatsu Minami Taizo-chome to Nagatsuta
To Minamidai 4-chome, a part of Nagatsuda Minamidai 5-chome and
Part of Nagatsuda Minamidai 6-chome

Group 3

Nagatsuda-cho (Higashi-Mukochi), a part of Nagatsuda 1-chome
From Nagatsuda 2-chome to Nagatsuda 5-chome

Group 4

Part of Nagatsuda 1-chome, part of Nagatsuda Minamidai 5-chome
Ibukino, part of Nagatsuda Minamidai 7-chome, 7-chome

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Inquiries to this page

Fire Bureau Midori fire department General Affairs and Prevention Division

Phone: 045-932-0119

Phone: 045-932-0119

Fax: 045-932-0119

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 193-838-569


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