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Minami fire brigade

Last updated on October 1, 2024.

Recruitment of fire brigade Minami fire brigade

[Recruiting members of Minami fire brigade] Minami fire department fire brigade (045-253-0119) or electronic applications are accepted.

Jump to the Yokohama City fire brigade Recruitment Guide page.

News from Minami fire brigade

Scheduled annual event for FY2024

Major Annual Plan for FY2024
Schedule Main events


Training for new members


First Aid Skill Up Training


Operation training for wind and flood damage area headquarters


Summer Training Session


Minami Women's fire brigade Exchange Meeting

Advanced lifesaving course


Institutional Training Education


Department and group cooperation training


New Year's Holiday Fire Special Warning


First firefighting ceremony

Activity Report

I would like to introduce the activities of Minami fire brigade.

Minami fire brigade Voice Band

On Friday, September 6, 2024 "MINAMI Children Q (Salvation) Q (Sudden) Lecture & Medical Concert" was held in Minami public hall.
At this event, the Minami fire brigade Vocal Band performed a mini-concert including preventive emergency publicity, based on a wonderful performance by the Yokohama City Music Band.
The Minami fire brigade Vocal Band is actively engaged in various events to promote fire and disaster prevention and preventive emergency services.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation popular performance "♪ Diamonds"
Whole performance "♪ Flowers bloom"

South fire brigade Summer Training Session

On July 7, 2024, the Minami fire brigade Summer Training Session was held.
This training is a major event in Minami fire brigade held every summer to demonstrate the results of daily training.
On the day of the event, the training session was held in hot weather, but after thorough measures against heat stroke, the results of daily training were shown.

Training instructor skills improvement training

On June 16, 2024, training leader skills improvement training was conducted. Among the fire brigade members with knowledge and experience are certified by Yokohama as instructors at the time of training. In order to constantly update our knowledge, we regularly conduct training in cooperation with the fire department.

Check the structure of portable small pumps

Operation training for wind and flood damage area headquarters

On June 9, 2024, we conducted a storm and flood disaster area headquarters operation training. Through wireless communication between the fire brigade Headquarters and each branch, we conducted training to respond to actual storms and floods (such as typhoons and heavy rains).

Acceptance and transmission of information using wireless

2024 South fire brigade Resignation Ceremony

On April 7, 2024, Mr. Miyamoto issued a resignation to senior leaders of Minami fire brigade and above (the resignation date was April 1, 2024). fire brigade is reelected every four years, and 2024 marks the beginning of his term. We all worked together to solidify our determination to protect Minami Ward.

2024 Southern fire brigade Executive Group Photo

Activities of the Foreign Disaster Prevention Guidance Team

In 2021, Minami fire brigade established a multilingual "Foreign Disaster Prevention Guidance Team" with the aim of providing disaster prevention guidance to foreign nationals and evacuation guidance in the event of a disaster. This time, I would like to introduce the disaster prevention guidance provided to the people of night-time class for junior high diploma Maita in June 2024.


News from Minami fire brigade

Introducing the "News from Minami fire brigade" created by Minami fire brigade every season!

fire brigade Cooperation Office in Minami Ward

List of fire brigade cooperative offices in Minami Ward.

※Please be careful about data communication because the file size is large.

Introduction of Minami fire brigade

fire brigade Kotobuki and fire brigade Ooka in Minami Ward merged to form Minami fire brigade on April 1, 2010fire brigade.
Kotobuki fire brigade was established in 1922 as the Kotobuki Fire Department, and Ooka fire brigade was established in 1939 as the Ooka Police Department. On March 7, 1948, following the establishment of local government fire departments following the enforcement of the Fire Service Organization Law, fire brigade Kotobuki and Ooka fire brigade were formed in Minami Ward.
In order to integrate the historical and traditional fire brigade, both fire brigade executives have been discussing the future of fire brigade and unifying them over several years. By integrating these two fire brigades, we will be able to create an easy-to-understand fire brigade organization for residents of the city, unify the command and command system, and respond quickly in the event of a major disaster.
We will further enhance and strengthen the fire brigade organization so that residents can feel safe and secure than ever before.

Organizational structure of Minami fire brigade

Organization of Minami fire brigade (as of August 1, 2024)
fire brigade Headquarters 1 Headquarters
Number of branches 6 branches
Number of groups 21
Number of Members

376 people

Number of female fire brigade 92 people
Loading vehicles 21 units
Equipment storage area 22 buildings
Portable small power pump 28 units

In Minami fire brigade, the capacity filling rate has not reached 100%.
We are recruiting fire brigade members throughout the year, so if you are interested, please see the fire brigade recruitment guide from the link above.

Personnel composition by class (assistant) in Minami fire brigade (as of August 1, 2024)
Class Personnel
Leader 1 person
Deputy Director 2 people
Branch Manager (two heads of the headquarters) 10 people
Deputy Branch Manager (two heads of the headquarters) 12 people
Director 24 people
Group leader 48 people
Members 279 people

Area in charge of Minami fire brigade

First Branch
Group Area in charge
Group 1 Nishinakacho, Maesatocho, Shirokanecho, Miharudai, Fushimicho
Group 2 Minami-Ota 1-chome to Minami-Ota 4-chome
Group 3 Shimizugaoka, Kodai

Second Branch
Group Area in charge
Group 1 Takanecho, Shirotaecho, Urafunecho, Banseicho
Group 2 Eirakucho, Shinkanecho
Group 3 From 1-chome to 5-chome Nakamuracho, Yawatacho, Yamaya
Group 4 Heiraku, Karasawa

Third Branch
Group Area in charge
Group 1 Hananokicho, Shukumachi, Miyamotochocho, Kyojincho, Makitacho, Enocho, Higashimaitamachi, part of Ooka 1-chome
Group 2 Hie-cho, Minamiyoshida-cho, Sanno-cho, Yoshinocho, Shinkawamachi, Futaba-cho, Takasagocho
Group 3 Mutsumi-cho, Horinouchicho

4th Branch
Group Area in charge
Group 1 Idogayashimomachi
Group 2 Idogayakamimachi, Idogayanakamachi
Group 3 Nagata Higashi 1-chome to 3-chome, Nagataminamidai
Group 4 From Nagata Kita 1-chome to Nagata Kita 3-chome, Nagatadai

Fifth Branch
Group Area in charge
Group 1

Wakamiyacho, Tooricho, Nakajimacho, Ohashicho, part of Ooka 1-chome

Group 2 Gumyoujicho
Group 3 Part of Ooka 1-chome, from Ooka 2-chome to Ooka 5-chome

Sixth Branch
Group Area in charge
Group 1 From Bessho 1-chome to Bessho 7-chome, Besshonakazatodai
Group 2 Nakazato 1-chome to Nakazato 4-chome, Nakazatocho
Group 3 From Nagata Minami 1-chome to Nagata Minami 2-chome, Nagatasannoudai, a part of Nagata Higashi 1-chome
Group 4 From Rokutsugawa 1-chome to Rokutsugawa 4-chome

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Inquiries to this page

Fire Bureau Minami fire department General Affairs and Prevention Division

Phone: 045-253-0119

Phone: 045-253-0119

Fax: 045-253-0119

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 472-209-245


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