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fire brigade Tsuzuki

Last updated on September 1, 2023.

News from fire brigade Tsuzuki

Main Events and Training Schedules for fire brigade Tsuzuki

Events and training schedules
Schedule Contents

Sunday, July 9, 2023
Sunday, August 6, 2023
From Friday, August 25, 2023 to Thursday, 31st
Sunday, September 10, 2023
Saturday, November 18, 2023
Sunday, November 26, 2023

Training for Training Leaders
Training for members with a short history of joining   
fire brigade Activity Photo Exhibition
Joint earthquake disaster countermeasures training 
Four Branches Yokohama City Maneuver Competition
Safe Driving Training     

Recruitment of fire brigade Tsuzuki!

Recruitment of fire brigade Tsuzuki

Tsuzuki fire brigade, Yokohama City is recruiting fire brigade members from time to time.
fire brigade members support the safety and security of the town every day.
Why don't you join us?
Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and reside, work, or attend school in Tsuzuki Ward  .
Men and women can join!

If you are interested in the activities of fire brigade Tsuzuki or apply for membership, please contact us.
Please feel free to contact fire brigade, General Affairs and Prevention Division, Tsuzuki fire department.
Telephone 045-945-0119 (Representative)

Tsuzuki fire brigade's public relations magazine "DANDAN" (published once a year)

Fiscal 2023 Activity Report (Topics)

Introducing the activities of fire brigade Tsuzuki!

fire brigade Tsuzuki resignation ceremony and training for new members

Date of implementation: Sunday, April 16, 2023
Location: Tsuzuki fire department
Contents: A resignation was issued to new members on April 1, 2023. In addition, new members were trained in the organization system, basic knowledge about fire and earthquake disaster, and handling equipment.

Training leader training and training for members with a short history of joining (first time)

Date of implementation: May 14, 2023, Sunday, July 9, 2023
Location: Tsuzuki fire department
Contents: We conducted basic rope tying training for members who have been joining the company. I had forgotten it, and it was a meaningful training. Training was conducted for training instructors, such as courtesy ceremony, rope tying training, and confirmation of safe driving procedures for emergency vehicles.

Fiscal 2022 Activity Report

Training for Training Leaders

Date of implementation: Sunday, May 29, 2022
Location: Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau Tsuzuki Plant
Contents: Training was conducted for training leaders to handle equipment owned by fire brigade.

Tsurumi River flood control Training

Date of implementation: Sunday, June 19, 2022
Location: Kawawa Elementary School
Contents: We conducted training in Tsurumi River flood control with ward offices.

Joint earthquake disaster countermeasures training

Date of implementation: Sunday, September 11, 2022
Location: Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau Tsuzuki Plant
Contents: Training on equipment handling was conducted jointly by the group and the department.

fire brigade Tsuzuki Senior Lifesaving Course

Date of implementation: Sunday, October 23, 2022
Location: Large conference room on the 6th floor of the Tsuzuki Ward   Office
Contents: A senior lifesaving course was held for the members.

fire brigade Tsuzuki Driving Safety Training

Date of implementation: Sunday, November 20, 2022
Location: Kamoi Driving School
Contents: Members of the fire brigade Tsuzuki conducted training on emergency vehicle operation guidelines, emergency driving, and nighttime guidance procedures.

Mayor encouragement, leader encouragement

Date of implementation: Wednesday, December 28, 2022
Location: Tsuzuki fire department, branch offices and equipment storage areas
Contents: Encouragement of the year-end and New Year was carried out by deputy mayor and Tsuzuki fire brigade chief.

First ceremony in Tsuzuki fire department in 2023

Date of implementation: Friday, January 6, 2023
Location: Tsuzuki Ward   Office public hall courtyard
Contents: On January 6, 2023, the award ceremony was held for those who received the award. In addition, simultaneous water discharge by fire brigade staff was carried out in the courtyard.

Air support team training at off-airfield takeoff and landing sites

Date of implementation: Thursday, January 26, 2023
Location: JA Yokohama Ground
Contents: Helicopter support training was conducted by members of the Nibundan.

Introduction of fire brigade Tsuzuki

The reorganization of the administrative district of Yokohama in November 1994 led to the integration of Kohoku Ward and a part of the Midori Ward. With the birth of Tsuzuki Ward  , Tsuzuki fire brigade was established with one headquarters, four branches and 18 groups of 406 people.
The recruitment of female fire brigade employees began in 1997.

fire brigade Tsuzuki

Organization of fire brigade Tsuzuki (as of September 1, 2023)
fire brigade Headquarters 1 Headquarters
Number of branches 5 Branches
Number of groups 18 groups
Number of Members 395 people
Number of female fire brigade 59 people
Loading vehicles 17 units
Fire pump trucks 1 unit
Equipment storage area 21 buildings
Portable small power pump 26 units

Personnel composition by class (assistant) of fire brigade Tsuzuki       
Class (assistant) Personnel
Leader 1 person
Deputy Director 2 people
General Manager, Division 4 people
Chief of the Branch 5 people
Deputy Branch Manager 10 people
Director 14 people
Group leader 53 people
Members 306 people

fire brigade Tsuzuki

First Branch
Group Area in charge
Group 1 Ikonobecho
Group 2

Kawawa-cho (Kawawadai), Fujimigaoka (Fujimigaoka), Mihanayama (Mihanayama), Takayama (Takayama), Kuzugaya (Kuzugaya),

Group 3 Saedocho, Kagahara 1-chome to 2-chome

Second Branch
Group Area in charge
Group 1 Higashigatacho, Nagasaka, Hiradai, row of cherry blossom trees (Sakura Namiki)
Group 2 Okuma Town (Okumacho), Nakamachidai (Nakamachidai) 1-chome to 5-chome
Group 3 Kawamukocho, Kawamukocho
Group 4 Orimotocho (Orimotocho)

Third Branch
Group Area in charge
Group 1 Kachidacho, Kachidaminami 1-chome to 2-chome
Group 2

Chigasakicho, Chigasakiminami 1-chome to 5-chome, Chigasakichuo
From Chigasakihigashi 1-chome to 5-chome

Group 3 Edahigashicho, Edahigashi 1-chome to 4-chome
Group 4 From Eda Minamicho, Edaminami 1-chome to 5-chome, Daimaru (Omaru)

4th Branch
Group Area in charge
Group 1 Minamiyamada-cho, Minamiyamada-cho, Minamiyamada 1-chome to 3-chome
Group 2 From Kitayamada 1-chome to 7-chome, Sumiregaoka
Group 3 Higashiyamada-cho (Higashiya Macho), Higashiyamata (Higashiya Mata) 1-chome to 4-chome
Group 4 From Hayabuchi 1-chome to 3-chome, Shinsakaemachi (Shineicho)

Fifth Branch
Group Area in charge
Group 1

Nakagawa (Nakagawa) 1-chome to 8-chome, Nakagawachuo 1-chome to 2-chome
Until Ayumigaoka

Group 2

Ushikubo-cho (Ushikubocho), Ushikubo 1-chome to 3-chome, Ushikubo Hajime Nishi-chome
From 4-chome to Ushikubohigashi 1-chome to 3-chome

Group 3 Odanacho (Odanacho), Odananishi

[fire brigade members only] When joining (retiring) required documents

[fire brigade members only] Orders for city and suburban business trips, etc.

[fire brigade members only] Training and Education Video Materials

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Inquiries to this page

Fire Bureau Tsuzuki fire department General Affairs and Prevention Division

Phone: 045-945-0119

Phone: 045-945-0119

Fax: 045-945-0119

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 837-272-581


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