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- Request for application procedure for approval of establishment of medical corporation (application in spring of 2024)
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Request for application procedure for approval of establishment of medical corporation (application in spring of 2024)
Last updated on February 21, 2025.
1 Schedule of approval, etc.
About the schedule of authorization
1.Schedule of pre-screening, etc.
Oh, application (draft) submission deadline
Application (draft) Submission From Tuesday, May 7, 2024 to Friday, May 17, 2024 to 17:15
B. Submission method
In order to prevent the spread of infection in COVID-19 infection, submission by mail is also possible.
※In the case of submission by bringing, the application will only be accepted within the business hours of the deadline (until 17:15).
※When submitting by mail, please submit a letter pack etc. that must arrive by the deadline and have a delivery record.
(After arrival, Yokohama City will contact you, so if you do not contact us by May 22, we will contact you for confirmation just in case.
Thank you very much.
C. Other notes
※For the contents of the documents, carefully check the checklist for the establishment of a medical corporation (attached sheet) (PDF: 162KB)
Please submit it in order.
2.Contents of Preliminary Examination, etc.
A. Schedule for Preliminary Examination
Preliminary Examination From Thursday, May 30, 2024 to Thursday, July 25, 2024
B. Contents of Preliminary Examination
For the application form (draft) that has been accepted, we will conduct a formal examination and organize problems.
This examination is carried out by a method in which each person in charge adjusts the schedule individually with the submitter, talks, and sorts out problems.
We ask for your cooperation in adjusting the date of the meeting.
3.Schedule after the preliminary examination
Oh, deadline for presentation of application documents after preliminary examination until 17:15 on Friday, August 23, 2024
Holding of the Medical Research Council from early November to mid-November 1996
(C) Authorized mid-November to mid-December 2014
※The above schedule is for the time being and is subject to change. The timing of new establishment of medical facilities as a corporation is such as registration after approval.
Please take into account the various procedures and allow enough time.
Preparation of application documents for approval of establishment of medical corporation
1.Documents attached to the application form (draft) (seal is not required for applicants, etc.)
List of establishment authorization application styles style download screen (overall version) (outside site)
Set of establishment authorization application style description example (word: 296KB)
Application for approval of establishment of medical corporation required documents checklist (PDF: 162KB)
1 Medical corporation establishment authorization application (word: 23KB)
1-1 Articles of Incorporation (word: 45KB)
1-2 Intent of establishment (word: 18KB)
1-3 Catalog of property to belong to a medical corporation at the beginning of its establishment (word: 19KB)
1-4 Breakdown of debt at the time of establishment and statement of borrowing amount to be taken over (word: 15KB)
1-5 Proof of debt balance and request for approval of debt transfer (related to borrowing) (word: 19KB)
1-6 Proof of debt balance and request for approval of debt transfer (related to leased property) (word: 18KB)
1-7 Request for approval of transfer of lease contract (when transferring leased property) (word: 17KB)
1-8 Outline of clinics to be opened (for clinics) (word: 14KB)
1-9 Overview of clinics to be opened (for clinics with hospitals and recuperation beds) (word: 15KB)
1-10 Memorandum of Understanding (word: 14KB)
1-11 Nearby similar (word: 14KB)
1-12 Resume of officers and founders (word: 16KB)
1-13 Letter of Consent to Appointment of Officer (Word: 22KB)
1-14 Administrator Appointment Consent Form (Word: 16KB)
1-15 List of Officers and Employees (PDF: 91KB)
1-16 Original certification of the founding representative (word: 16KB)
1-17 Minutes of the General Assembly (Word: 22KB)
※ Date of the General Assembly = April 1, 2024
1-18 Business plan for two years after establishment (word: 27KB)
(1) Attached budget book (Excel format) for two years after establishment (Excel: 45KB)
(2) As of the beginning of the first fiscal year in the budget book = December 2024
1-19 Power of Attorney (word: 20KB)
2.At the time of creation of the property inventory
Please prepare as of March 31, 2024. Therefore, the certification date of the hails certifying these is also as of March 31, 2024.
Please note that pharmaceuticals and medical materials cannot be contributed.
3.Requests to Applicants
※Please note that the revised Medical Law was enforced on September 1, 2016, and the articles of incorporation have been changed.
※Please refer to "Procedure for Establishment of Medical Corporation (PDF: 756KB)" and create an application form.
※A considerable number of applications are expected this time as well, so as a result of preliminary examination of the application form (draft), for projects that require significant correction, etc.
We may ask you to apply for the next time. Thank you very much for your cooperation.
2 Acceptance of the next application (planned)
From Monday, September 2, 2024 to Wednesday, September 11 (planned)
※Details of the application procedure in autumn will be posted approximately one month before the start of application.
※The base date for preparing documents is scheduled to be as of July 31, 2024.
[Reference] (Application for Fall 2023) (*The application has already been closed.)
3. Where to submit the application
6-50-10, Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi 21st floor
Medical Care Bureau Medical Safety Division
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Medical Care Bureau Medical Safety Division
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Phone: 045-671-2414
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Page ID: 487-308-111