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Seminars on Chemical Substances and the Environment, etc. (FY2023)

Last updated on April 1, 2024.

Yokohama City and Kawasaki City are working together to share information on chemical substances and the environment with citizens and businesses in order to reduce the environmental risks of chemical substances.

[Video being distributed] Seminar on Chemical Substances Control


Seminar on Chemical Substances Control

He gave a lecture online (Zoom) on initiatives related to chemical substance countermeasures in Kawasaki City and Yokohama City, an overview of new chemical substance regulations based on the Industrial Safety and Health Law, and practical examples at business sites.
Chemical Substance Countermeasures Seminar Handbill (PDF: 576KB)

Date and time

It's finished.
Wednesday, January 24, 2024 from 1:00 pm to 3:45 pm

How to attend the course

This seminar is an online lecture using the video conferencing tool "Zoom".
Please prepare a PC or mobile device (tablet, smartphone).


1 Initiatives for Chemical Substances in Kawasaki City and Yokohama City
  Speaker: Kawasaki City Regional Environment Co-creation Division / Yokohama City Environmental Management Division
2 Outline of new chemical substance regulations based on the Industrial Safety and Health Act
  Speaker: Research Center for Information Management of Chemical Substances, Industrial Safety and Health, Labor and Safety Agency
3 Autonomous management of chemical substances implemented by ENEOS Kawasaki Refinery
  Speaker: ENEOS Corporation Kawasaki Refinery


Anyone can participate. (Contents for chemical substance handling companies)


500 people (first come, first served)

Application deadline

Application has been closed.
Wednesday, January 17, 2024
※If the number of applicants reaches the capacity, the application will be closed.

Video distribution

We have released a video of the seminar on chemical substance countermeasures.
The video will be released until March 31, 2025.
Initiatives related to chemical substance countermeasures in Kawasaki City and Yokohama City (outside site)
Autonomous management of chemical substances implemented by ENEOS Kawasaki Refinery (external site)


Regional Environment Co-creation Division, Environmental Measures Department, Kawasaki City Environment Bureau
Telephone 044-200-2532
Email [email protected]

[finished] Chemical Substance Citizens Seminar "Thinking about Food Safety"-Food is the most familiar mass of chemical substances-



Food is the most familiar mass of chemical substances. It contains a variety of chemical substances, including food additives, pesticide residues, and environmental pollutants present in the environment.
Food risk researchers will explain the concept of risk of chemical substances contained in food from a scientific point of view, focusing on topics that have been talked about in the past.
Chemical Substances Citizen Seminar Handbill (PDF: 891KB)

Date and time

From 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm on Wednesday, November 8, 2023 (reception is from 1:30 pm)


Conference Room No. 1, Kohoku public hall (26-1, Ozudo-cho, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama-shi, 2nd floor, Kohoku public hall)


Chikako Uneyama, Director, Safety Information Department, National Institute of Food and Food Hygiene

Participation fee

Free of charge


50 people (lottery if there are many applications)


Planning and chemical substances in charge of Green Environment Bureau Environmental Management Division, Yokohama City
Telephone 045-671-2487
E-mail [email protected]

Let's learn about the video version of chemical substances!

We have released a video to make it easier to learn about chemical substances.
Please refer to the page for information on chemical substances.

[Video Distribution] Environmental Risk Assessment Seminar

As part of our efforts to reduce the environmental risks of chemical substances, Kawasaki City and Yokohama City collaborate to distribute videos of environmental risk assessment workshops on YouTube.
For details
FY2021 Environmental Risk Assessment Seminar (Kawasaki City Web Page) (outside site)
Please take a look at it.

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Inquiries to this page

Environmental Management Division, Green Environment Bureau Environmental Protection Department

Phone: 045-671-2487

Phone: 045-671-2487

Fax: 045-681-2790

E-Mail address [email protected]

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