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Let's learn about chemical substances

Last updated on April 1, 2024.

Chemical Substances and Environmental Risks

What is Chemical Substances?

Everything on earth is made of chemical substances. Both natural and human-made are chemical substances.
We have made our lives convenient and enriched by using the "useful properties" of chemical substances.
On the other hand, there are things that can have a bad effect on humans, animals and plants if used incorrectly.
Chemical substances released in the environment, such as air, rivers, and seas, may have a negative effect on humans, animals and plants, and is called the "environmental risk" of chemical substances.

To reduce environmental risks

This section introduces what each of us wants to keep in mind when using products that use chemical substances.

Use in an appropriate amount

Follow the usage shown on the product. It does not use more than necessary, reduces the amount taken into the body and reduces emissions into the environment.

Provide sufficient ventilation

When using paints and insecticide indoors, ventilate and reduce the amount taken into the body.

Use it properly

Read the product label carefully and follow the precautions for use. For example, a product with the label "Don't mix dangerous" may cause highly harmful chemicals if used incorrectly, but it can be prevented by observing precautions.

Please give consideration to the surroundings (about the scent of softener, etc.)

In recent years, flexible finishing agents with various fragrances have been released, and more and more people have a favorite fragrance in clothes, but there are individual differences in how they feel about the scent. Please understand that there are people around you who feel comfortable, but feel strong scents and discomfort even if they are comfortable for you. (So-called "scent damage")
Please refer to the guideline for usage, etc., and use it with consideration for others.

Related links

Risk communication

 It is called risk communication that citizens, businesses, and governments share information on chemical substances and communicate through exchange of opinions. In Yokohama City, in order to promote risk communication, we provide information on chemical substance countermeasures to citizens and businesses through events and seminars.

Seminar on Chemical Substances and the Environment

 Yokohama City holds seminars on chemical substances and the environment in cooperation with Kawasaki City.

Let's go to an eco-friendly factory!

We introduce factories in Yokohama that are engaged in environmentally friendly initiatives.
Please check with each factory for the status of the tour. Please also refer to the website of each factory that is posted on the flyer.

Let's learn about the video version of chemical substances!

We have released videos to help you easily learn about chemical substances.

Chemical Substances and Environmental Risks

What is the 2 PRTR?

Let's learn about PDF version of chemical substances!

1 Chemical Substances and Environmental Risks (PDF: 1,697KB)
What is the 2 PRTR? (PDF:1,438KB)


 The PRTR (Pollutant Release and Transfer Register) is a chemical substance emission transfer notification system that collects, aggregates, and publishes data on whether a wide variety of harmful chemical substances were discharged from what sources, how much they were discharged into the environment, or included in waste.
 For more information about PRTR, please see the link below.

Experimental videos that can be done at home

Introducing experiments that can be easily done at home. Let's enjoy learning about the nature of familiar chemical substances.
Please refer to the link below.

Other related information

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Inquiries to this page

Environmental Management Division, Green Environment Bureau Environmental Protection Department

Phone: 045-671-2487

Phone: 045-671-2487

Fax: 045-681-2790

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 626-917-099


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