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Guidance of Yokohama citizen building spray asbestos measures business

Last updated on April 15, 2024.

Sprayed asbestos (sprayed asbestos)

Sprayed asbestos refers to sprayed building materials containing asbestos.

Asbestos (also known as Asbestos (Ishiwata, Sekimen)) is a natural mineral fiber and has been used in many buildings because it is resistant to heat and friction. However, asbestos fibers are extremely thin and light, so they are easy to float in the air and are easy for humans to inhale. Inhalation of asbestos can remain in the lungs for a long period of time, which may cause lung cancer, asbestos lung, malignant mesothelioma, etc.

Overview of Business

  This project is about sprayed asbestos installed on private buildings (stores, offices, parking lots, etc.) used by many people.
  This is a business that provides free content surveys and subsidies for construction work such as removal.

Survey of sprayed asbestos content

 A professional contractor commissioned by the city visits and investigates whether asbestos is contained in sprayed building materials free of charge.

Sprayed asbestos removal, etc. (subsidy for construction costs)

 When taking measures such as removal of "sprayed asbestos" or "sprayed rock wool containing asbestos"

  Supports 2/3 of the cost (up to 3 million yen). (Consumption tax is not eligible for assistance.)

There are two types of countermeasures that are subject to the project.
①Removal method②Containment method

Method of removing sprayed asbestos from the base


This is the most reliable measure.

Method of impregnating sprayed asbestos with chemicals and fixing them to prevent scattering
Although it is cheaper than the removal method, it is a temporary response, and appropriate maintenance is required after construction. In addition, when dismantling a building, it is necessary to remove asbestos before dismantling.
※Depending on the condition of existing sprayed asbestos, it may not be possible to use it.

  Enclosure work is not applicable

Target buildings

Private buildings used by many people

  • Stores, offices, parking lots, factories, warehouses, etc.
  • In the case of apartments, only common areas (including machine rooms, etc.)

Excluding the following:

Individual housing
Buildings scheduled to be removed
Investigation and removal of building materials other than sprayed building materials (forming boards used for roofing materials, finishing coating materials for exterior walls, etc.)
In the case of asbestos content survey, buildings on the same site as buildings that have received assistance in asbestos content survey by this project in the past.
In the case of asbestos removal, etc., buildings on the same site as buildings that have received assistance such as asbestos removal by this project in the past
Buildings that have received other assistance related to asbestos removal or asbestos content survey
Buildings that violate the Building Standards Law

Application for content investigation, removal, etc.

Flow of Procedure

Prior consultation

 First of all, please fill out the prior consultation slip and prepare the materials, and consult the Building Disaster Prevention Section.
 In addition to coming to the counter, mail and e-mail are also possible.

Books required at the time of application
(1) Survey of sprayed asbestos content (2) Removal of sprayed asbestos
  • Guide map, current floor plan
  • Photograph of current status (Building exterior, place where sprayed building materials are used)
  • Other things that the mayor deems necessary
  • Copy of documents that can identify you (license, insurance card, etc.) (excluding My Number Card) ※When submitting at the counter, only presentation
  • Guide map, current floor plan
  • Photograph of current status (Building exterior, place where sprayed building materials are used)
  • A copy of the building confirmation letter and inspection certificate
  • Those that can prove that they are sprayed asbestos, etc. (analysis survey results, etc.)
  • Documents proving ownership of the building
  • Bidding documents or quotes of 3 or more companies ※1
  • Those who can judge that the person who formulates the business plan is a building asbestos content surveyor, etc. ※2
  • Other things that the mayor deems necessary
  • Copy of documents that can identify you (license, insurance card, etc.) (excluding My Number Card) ※When submitting at the counter, only presentation

※1…In the case of bidding for construction such as removal or collection of estimate, when operating cost is expected to be more than 1 million yen per case, please go only with city company. In that case, please attach documents (copy of general competitive bidding qualified person list or entry certificate (commercial, corporation registration)) that understand that it is city company.
※2…When we receive assistance such as spraying asbestos removal, involvement of "building asbestos-containing building material investigators" is necessary in development of business plan of construction such as removal. Building Asbestos-containing building materials surveyors, etc. are those who have completed courses based on the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism and the Ministry of the Environment Notification No. 1 in 2018 and have been granted qualifications as investigators.

Notes on Application

  • Applications will be closed as soon as the business budget for this fiscal year is over.
  • If there are multiple owners of the building, the consent of all members is required. In the case of condominiums, etc., an application by Residential Association is required.

Precautions for construction work such as removal

  • Edited and published by the Japan Building Center, the “Revised Guidelines for Preventing Sprayed Asbestos Shattering of Existing Buildings” and “Processing Work Manual” and the “Asbestos Distance Prevention Manual” prepared by the work related accidents Prevention Association of Construction Industry.
  • Comply with related laws and regulations, such as notification under related laws and construction work for fire prevention and fire resistance performance restoration work.
  • When performing containment work, it is necessary to use certified materials under Article 37 of the Building Standards Law.

   First of all, please fill out the prior consultation slip and prepare the materials, and consult the Building Disaster Prevention Section.
   In addition to coming to the counter, mail and e-mail are also possible.

Survey of sprayed asbestos content

Removal of sprayed asbestos

System outlines, etc.

Related laws and regulations and inquiries

Yokohama citizen building spray asbestos measures business, reference

  City of Yokohama, Housing and Architecture Bureau Planning Department Building Disaster Prevention Section (Reception hours: Weekdays from 8:45 am to 12:00 am and from 1:00 pm to 5:15 pm)
  Phone: 045-671-2928、 FAX: 045-663-3255、 E-MAIL: [email protected]
  〒231-0005 6-50-10 Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama City Hall 25F (Guide map)

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Inquiries to this page

Building Disaster Prevention Section, Housing and Architecture Bureau Planning Department

Phone: 045-671-2928

Phone: 045-671-2928

Fax: 045-663-3255

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 249-647-236


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