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- Damaged residential land risk assessment system
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Damaged residential land risk assessment system
Last updated on December 23, 2024.
Damaged residential land risk assessment
In the event that a large-scale earthquake or heavy rain in which the disaster headquarters is located causes a large-scale and widespread damage to residential land, the purpose of this project is to reduce and prevent the secondary disaster of residential land and ensure the safety of residents by conducting a risk assessment.
The emergency risk assessment of damaged buildings, which is conducted at the same time, is a survey of buildings conducted with the aim of reducing and preventing secondary disaster and ensuring the safety of residents.
In addition, this survey is not a survey for proof of damage.
About disaster-affected residential land risk judge
The disaster-affected residential land risk judge (hereinafter referred to as the “residential land judge”) is a civil engineering, construction, etc. engineer who determines the risk of secondary disasters on residential land at the request of the affected municipalities or prefectures.
In order to become a residential land judge, you have completed the disaster-affected residential land risk assessment workshop conducted by prefectural governors, etc., and have been recognized as being able to properly execute the risk assessment (or recognized as having equivalent or higher knowledge and experience) ), Must be registered. As of April 2020, more than 40,000 residential land judges have been registered nationwide.
In addition, when a residential land judge performs a judgment activity, carry a certification registration certificate to clarify his / her identity and wear an armband or helmet specified as a "disastered residential land risk judge".
Overview of Judgment Activities
A group of two or three people, including a residential land judge, will investigate the damage situation for areas within a visible range based on objective criteria such as questionnaires, and determine the degree of danger based on the results.
At that time, we may investigate without entering residential land that is considered dangerous.
Display of judgment results
The results of the disaster-affected residential land risk assessment are displayed in a place where the following three types of judgment stickers are easily visible, and are safe not only for users and residents of the residential land but also for pedestrians passing near the residential land. Be able to identify whether or not.
In addition, the judgment sticker also provides a brief explanation of how to respond based on the judgment results and measures to prevent the secondary disaster. In addition, the contact information regarding the judgment result is also displayed on the sticker.
Dangerous residential land (red) It is dangerous to enter this residential land.
Caution required residential land (yellow) Please be careful when entering this residential land.
Investigated residential land (blue) The degree of damage to this residential land is considered to be small.
Related URL
Damaged Residential Land Risk Judgment Liaison Council (outside site)
Based on the lessons learned from the residential land disaster caused by the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake in January 1995, prefectures, ordinance-designated cities, etc. were members in May 1997 in order to more smoothly and appropriately carry out disaster-affected residential land risk assessment activities. It is a council established. In order to quickly and accurately determine the risk of residential land in the event of a large-scale disaster, the council promotes improvement of judgment methods, coordination of mutual support among members, and improvement of an implementation system for judgment.
We support consultation on cliffs with experts!
We conclude agreement to affect safe town development resisting disaster with general incorporated association ground quality judge society and cooperate with consultation correspondence about restoration support of residential land for landowners at the time of disaster in the city I am.
Inquiries to this page
Building Disaster Prevention Section, Housing and Architecture Bureau Planning Department
Phone: 045-671-2948
Phone: 045-671-2948
Fax: 045-663-3255
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 274-870-176