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Q2-2 How long does it take to obtain a development permit?

Last updated on July 30, 2024.


In the case of a development project that does not fall under a specific large-scale development project, it takes about three months from the start of the ordinance procedure to the consent of the mayor, and in the case of a development project that does not correspond to a specific large-scale development project, it takes about three months from the start of the ordinance procedure to the consent of the mayor, and if the application for a development permit to be submitted after that, about 3 weeks, required documents is completed.

Parts to be published in guides on this answer

Contact for inquiries regarding this answer

  • About the procedure of permission
    Housing and Architecture Bureau Residential Land Examination Department

For specific details in a specific location, please contact the person in charge of each area.

Inquiries to this page

Residential Land Examination Division, Housing and Architecture Bureau Residential Land Examination Department

Phone: 045-671-4515

Phone: 045-671-4515

Fax: 045-681-2435

E-Mail address [email protected]

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