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About measures for natural disaster, a dangerous goods facility

Last updated on June 14, 2021.

To all business establishments that own hazardous materials facilities

 Heavy rain and typhoon No. 21 in July 2018 caused a large number of damages due to flooding and strong winds at dangerous goods facilities such as gas stations and dangerous goods warehouses. In light of these circumstances, the Fire and Disaster Management Agency of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications issued the "measures for natural disaster Guidelines for Dangerous Goods Facilities" (hereinafter referred to as the "Guidelines") to ensure prompt and accurate emergency procedure in response to possible disaster risks (risk of flooding, landslide, etc.) in locations where hazardous materials facilities are located.
 For business establishments that own hazardous materials facilities, please use the guidelines when taking measures for natural disaster.

Inquiries to this page

Fire Bureau Prevention Department Security Section

Phone: 045-334-6407

Phone: 045-334-6407

Fax: 045-334-6610

E-Mail address [email protected]

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