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- Download various application and notification forms for dangerous goods factories, etc.
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Download various application and notification forms for dangerous goods factories, etc.
We can download styles of various application, report such as dangerous goods factory from this. Please use it.
Last updated on April 5, 2024.
Laws and Regulations
[Style No. 2] Installation permission application (other than transfer handling site) (word: 14KB)
[Style No. 3] Installation permission application (transportation handling office) (word: 15KB)
[Form No. 4 B] Factory / General Handling Office Structural Equipment Statement (word: 19KB)
[Style No. 4 b] Indoor storage structure equipment statement (word: 14KB)
[Style No. 4 c] Outdoor tank storage structure equipment statement (word: 15KB)
[Form No. 4 d] Indoor tank storage structure equipment statement (word: 15KB)
[Form No. 4 e] Underground tank storage structure equipment statement (word: 15KB)
[Form No. 4] Simple tank storage structure equipment statement (word: 14KB)
[Form No. 4 T] Mobile tank storage structure equipment statement (word: 21KB)
[Style No. 4 Chi] Outdoor storage structure equipment statement (word: 13KB)
[Form No. 4 Re] Refueling Handling Office Structural Equipment Statement (word: 16KB)
[Form No. 4 nu] Type 1 and Type 2 Sales Handling Office Structural Equipment Statement (word: 18KB)
[Form No. 4 L] Transfer handling office structural equipment statement (word: 21KB)
[Form No. 5] Change permission application (other than transfer handling point) (word: 15KB)
[Style No. 6] Change permission application (transportation handling office) (word: 15KB)
[Style No. 7] Temporary use approval application (word: 15KB)
[Form No. 8] Completion inspection application (other than transfer handling site) (word: 15KB)
[Form No. 9] Completion inspection application (transportation handling office) (word: 14KB)
[Style No. 12] Completion Inspection Certificate Reissue Application (Word: 15KB)
[Style No. 13] Inspection application before completion inspection (word: 15KB)
[Form No. 15] Transfer delivery registration form (Word: 15KB)
[Form No. 17] Abolished registration form (Word: 15KB)
[Form No. 18] Document about route of transfer (word: 14KB)
[Form No. 20-2] Certificate of practical experience (word: 17KB)
[Form No. 26] Prevention Regulations Establishment / Change Application (Word: 18KB)
[Style No. 27] Security inspection application (outdoor tank storage) (word: 14KB)
[Form No. 28] Security inspection application (transportation handling office) (word: 15KB)
[Form No. 29] Security inspection time change approval application (word: 14KB)
Ordinance style (Yokohama City Dangerous Goods Regulations)
[No. 20 style] Extended inspection period inside outdoor storage tank registration form (word: 18KB)
[No. 22 style] Installer Address, name and name change registration form (word: 17KB)
[No. 23 style] Use suspension and resumption registration form (word: 17KB)
[No. 24 style] Minor change work registration form (word: 17KB)
[2 of No. 24 style] Fire use construction registration form (word: 18KB)
[3 of No. 24 style] Operation Management Delegation registration form (word: 17KB)
[No. 25 style] Disaster occurrence registration form (word: 17KB)
[No. 29 style] Re-grant application such as permits (word: 17KB)
Inquiries to this page
Fire Bureau Prevention Department Security Section
Phone: 045-334-6407
Phone: 045-334-6407
Fax: 045-334-6610
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 555-356-883