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  5. Notification of the National Land Use Planning Act
  6. Notification procedures based on the National Land Use Planning Act

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Notification procedures based on the National Land Use Planning Act

Important Notice As we started accepting online notifications from January 2023, we have closed our mail notifications from April 17, 2023. In addition, from November 2023, the “registration form for Land Purchase and Sale (Excel)” has added an input support function.

Last updated on June 13, 2024.

Overview of the System

If a land purchase agreement is concluded on land that exceeds the standard area stipulated by law, the right acquirer (transferee) must submit the registration form to the head of a prefectural or designated city within two weeks (including the date of signing the contract).
<Article 23, Paragraph 1 of the National Land Use Planning Act / Article 20 of the Enforcement Regulations of the National Land Use Planning Act>

Conditions required to be notified ⇒ Frequently Asked Questions <Q & A>

Standard area (in Yokohama city)

  • Urbanization area: More than 2,000 square meters
  • Urbanization adjustment area: More than 5,000 square meters
  • A notification is required if either the public account book or the actual measurement is greater than the above area.
  • When acquiring multiple adjacent land, if a group of land (land that can be used together is acquired by the same entity under a series of business plans), even if the area of each contract is small, Notification is required if the total area to be used exceeds the above area. In this case, one notification is required for each contract.

Type of rights

  • Ownership
  • Lease rights (involving payment of rights and other lump-sum payments)
  • Ground rights
  • Trust beneficiary rights (when the right to transfer ownership of land is included in the contract)
  • Transfer of Position, etc.

Method of transfer of rights

  1. (including economic value that can be converted into money) 1.
  2. The contract must be based on the contract

<Example> Sale, bidding, disposal of reserved land (land readjustment), exchange, business transfer, transfer collateral, repayment of goods, transfer of co-ownership, transfer of reservation completion right, transfer of repurchase right, transfer of trust beneficiary right, transfer of status

  • Notification is also required for reservation / suspension (cancellation) conditional contracts for these transactions.

When notification is not required

  • National and local governments and port affairs bureaus, incorporated administrative agency Urban Renaissance Agency, incorporated administrative agency Water Resources Agency, incorporated administrative agency Small and Medium Enterprise Infrastructure Development Organization, independent administrative agency Railway Construction and Transport Facility Development Support Organization, local housing supply corporation, Japan Contractors with Workers' Housing Association, airport area maintenance organization, local road public corporation and land development public corporation
  • Establishment of a mortgage, transfer or establishment of a utility lease, etc. (Notification is required for mortgage direct current agreements (contracts for which the mortgagee acquires ownership during the repayment period), etc.)
  • Gifts, division of heritage, etc. (without consideration given)
  • Exercise of Formation Rights (without contract)
  • Inheritance, comprehensive succession due to merger of corporations, replacement of land such as land readjustment, exercise of repurchase right, etc. (Notification is required when transferring the right to repurchase to a third party or disposal of reserved land for land readjustment)
  • Procedures based on the Bankruptcy Law, Corporate Rehabilitation Law, Civil Rehabilitation Law, etc. that are performed with the permission of the court (if the contents of the court's permission do not specify individual land, a notification is required)

Documents to be submitted

Land sales, etc. registration form (If you bring a window, print two copies of the original and duplicate)

Land purchase and sale registration form (Excel: 208KB) (changed to a new style with input assistance functions etc. added from November 2023)

  • From January 4, 2021, seal to registration form is not required.
  • For online application, please upload "Excel file" and "attached documents PDF file".
  • Since the format differs for each municipality, please use the registration form prescribed by Motoichi.

Land purchase and sale, etc. registration form entry example 1 (PDF: 205KB) (Transfer of ownership [condominiums, detached houses, commercial facilities, etc.])

registration form entry example 2 (PDF: 154KB) (Trust beneficiary rights [commercial facilities, logistics warehouses, etc.])

Land purchase, purchase, etc. registration form entry example 3 (PDF: 78KB) (Leasehold, Land, Status Transfer)

attached documents (one each)

  • A copy of the contract
  • Location map and guide map
  • Copy of official map
  • Land use plan map (example: planned plots for detached houses, layout drawings and floor plans for apartments, etc.)
  • A copy of the actual measurement chart (attached when a sales contract is made with the actual measurement area)

※Please clearly indicate the range of the reported land with a marker on the drawings.
※If a proxy submits a notification, please refer to the “Power of Attorney” in the frequently asked question <Q & A>.

Submission method

Please submit the above presentation documents by Yokohama-shi electronic application, report system or bringing.

Notification by the Yokohama City Electronic Application and Notification System

Please enter required items from the Yokohama City Electronic Application and Notification System (outside site) and attach the above documents.

  • registration form "Excel file" and "attached documents PDF file" in one folder, compress it in zip format, and upload it.
  • Regarding the notification under this system, we will not issue a duplicate of registration form such as land purchase and sale.
  • If you would like a duplicate, please bring it with you.

You can check the processing status of the procedure from "My Page", and we will send you a notification email when the procedure is completed.

Notification by bringing

Please come to the Urban Development Bureau Planning Division, 29th floor of Yokohama City Hall.

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Inquiries to this page

Planning Division, Planning Division, Urban Development Bureau Planning Department

Phone: 045-671-3953

Phone: 045-671-3953

Fax: 045-664-4539

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 851-963-632


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