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Tokyo Institute of Technology Yokohama Venture Plaza occupied companies, etc.
Last updated on August 1, 2022.
Tokyo Institute of Technology Yokohama Venture Plaza (outside site)
Yokohama City provides consultation support for residents of Tokyo Tech's Yokohama Venture Plaza, with some subsidies for rent and issues when creating new businesses through industry-academia-government collaboration.
[Partial assistance for rent] Guidance of Yokohama-shi university cooperation type entrepreneur development facility entering, growth support subsidy
This subsidy aims to create new businesses through industry-academia-government collaboration and promote the city's industry, and to commercialize the results of research and development (hereinafter referred to as "YVP"). )), A part of the rent is subsidized.
In addition, for companies that promote business development in the city after leaving YVP, we will assist some of the expenses related to relocation.
1 Move-in support subsidies
Subsidized persons
・Residents of YVP since April 1, 2021
Amount of subsidized expenses and subsidies
Rental paid by residents of YVP to the Small and Medium Enterprises and Regional Innovation Organization (the amount specified in Appendix 1 (PDF: 205KB)).
Up to 1 million yen per person.
However, if there is a subsidized month less than January, the amount of the subsidized subsidy for that month shall be calculated on a pro-rated basis (if there is a fraction less than 10 yen, the fractional amount shall be rounded down). I do.
※Rent subsidies according to Appendix 1 will be provided within the budget for the relevant fiscal year.
Subsidized period
Move in after April 1, 2021, and one year from the month following the move-in date (or the current month if the move-in date is the first day of the month).
Documents to be submitted
Please apply for April to March of the relevant year by the end of March.
※Documents that have already been submitted within the same year do not need to be submitted again.
Document name | Number of copies required |
Move-in support subsidy grant application (first style) (word: 16KB) | 1 |
Tax exemption confirmation consent form (second style) (word: 14KB) | 1 |
List of names such as officers (third style) (word: 15KB) | 1 |
A copy of lease agreement | 1 |
Rental delivery certificate issued by the Small and Medium-sized Organization | 1 |
Tax payment certificate of municipal tax, establishment tax, property tax and city planning tax for the last year (copying is also acceptable) | 1 |
2 Growth Support Subsidy
Target person
Person who can receive grant assumes person corresponding to all of the following.
(1) Those who have moved into YVP after April 1, 2021 and moved out after that date.
(2) After leaving YVP, you must set up a head office or office in Yokohama and intend to continue doing business in Yokohama.
(3) Person who received grant of moving-in support subsidy
Amount of subsidized expenses and subsidies
A. Expenses
・Expenses related to relocation of business sites
・Relocation rent
・Other expenses deemed necessary
(A) Subsidy
Up to the same amount as the amount of subsidies for moving-in support
※The assistance will be provided within the budget.
Documents to be submitted
As a general rule, please apply for a growth support subsidy after moving out of YVP and registering for relocation in Yokohama City.
Document name | Number of copies required |
Growth support subsidy grant application (fourth style) (word: 16KB) | 1 |
List of names such as officers (third style) (word: 15KB) | 1 |
A copy of lease agreement | 1 |
Documents clarifying the contents of the business to be conducted after YVP departure | 1 |
Certificate of all history items after transfer (in the case of a corporation) | 1 |
Tax payment certificate of municipal tax, establishment tax, property tax and city planning tax for the last year | 1 |
Tax exemption confirmation consent form (second style) (word: 14KB) | 1 |
Implementation Report
Person who received grant decision of growth support subsidy, please submit conduct report.
Document name | Number of copies required |
Yokohama-shi University cooperation type entrepreneur upbringing facility growth support subsidy conduct report (seventh style) (word: 14KB) | 1 |
Expense statement targeted for subsidy (the eighth style) (word: 16KB) | 1 |
Copy of contracts (orders), invoices, receipts, documents (passbooks, etc.) that can confirm payment, etc. related to the subsidized expenses | 1 |
Tax payment certificate of municipal tax, establishment tax, property tax and city planning tax for the last year | 1 |
Tax exemption confirmation consent form (second style) (word: 14KB) | 1 |
Flow from application to delivery
① Application
② Notification of grant decision
③ Payment report (submission of implementation report)
④ Determination of subsidy grant amount
⑤ Confirmation of transfer destination, etc. (invoice)
⑥ Grant of subsidies
Request for subsidies
When requesting a tenant support subsidy or growth support subsidy, please submit the following documents to the Economic Affairs Bureau New Industry Creation Division, Yokohama City.
Document name | Number of copies |
Yokohama City University Cooperation Type Entrepreneur Development Facility Entering and Growth Support Subsidy Invoice (No. 11 style) (word: 14KB) | 1 |
Copy of Yokohama-shi university cooperation type entrepreneur upbringing facility growth support subsidy grant amount confirmation letter of advice (the tenth style) | 1 |
Status Report of Implementation Projects
Person who grant of growth support subsidy was decided, I would like report of business of the next fiscal year of grant decision year.
※If necessary, we may ask you to submit explanatory materials or conduct a field survey in addition to the following.
Document name | Number of copies |
Situation report (No. 13 style) (word: 15KB) | 1 |
Yokohama City University Collaboration Type Entrepreneur Development Facility Entering and Growth Support Subsidy Grant Guidelines
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New Industry Creation Division, Innovation City Promotion Department, Economic Affairs Bureau
Phone: 045-671-2748
Phone: 045-671-2748
Fax: 045-664-4867
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 440-487-220