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  6. [Recruitment end] [Support Program for Technology Startup Demonstration Experiments] We will provide mentoring programs for startups who want to conduct demonstration experiments in Yokohama City. (For overseas startups)

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[Recruitment end] [Support Program for Technology Startup Demonstration Experiments] We will provide mentoring programs for startups who want to conduct demonstration experiments in Yokohama City. (For overseas startups)

Last updated on August 16, 2024.

●What's New
Friday, August 16Application has been closed.


Overview of Implementation

 We are looking for proposals for demonstration experiments and other projects from domestic and overseas startups with high growth potential in the technological fields such as mobility and GX. For those who have adopted this program, we will provide strong support for supporting expenses necessary for demonstration experiments (only for domestic startups), coordination of demonstration fields, development of prototypes, matching of partners and trial introduction destinations, etc.

1 Target person

Startups outside Japan that meet all of the following requirements:

  • We intend to establish a base in Yokohama in the future.
  • Companies that have established corporations in their home countries that develop products and services that leverage advanced and proprietary technologies and build new business models or develop new markets
  • This project is intended to be implemented in Yokohama City or in cooperation with domestic partner companies with business bases in Yokohama.
  • Within approximately 15 years after the establishment of the corporation, or approximately 15 years after the start of the business to be supported.

2 Target areas

Use advanced and proprietary technologies in the technological fields such as mobility and GX.
AI, robotics, electronics, semiconductors, quantum, biotechnology, medical devices, new materials, energy, environment, aerospace, etc.

3 Application period (Application has been closed.)

From 10:00 on Monday, June 3, 2024 to 17:00 on Friday, August 16

4 How to apply

4-1. Application Form
If you wish to apply, please contact us in advance using the following e-mail address.
After consultation in advance, please prepare materials for application and submit them by e-mail.
In addition, please check the written oath (PDF: 468KB) and the privacy policy (PDF: 520KB).
Please apply after agreeing to the contents.
Contact information :  [email protected]

4-2. Materials required for application
 •Powerpoint or PDF data format
 •Please refer to the free form for details.
  •However, please apply within 30 pages.
・Contents (The format is free of the number of pages if the following contents are included.)
  1.Company Information
   A)Name of company/or organization
   B)Location of affiliated companies and organizations
   C)URL of affiliated company / organization
   D)Name of the person in charge of this application
   E)Position of the person in charge of this application
   F)The e-mail address of the person in charge of this application.
  2.Overview of Business Ideas
   A)Summary of business ideas
   B)Target customers and their challenges
   C)Solutions to be provided
   D)Superiority to competitors
   E)Advanced Technologies for Utilization
   F)Monetization model
   G)System for implementing planning (team)
   H)Materials that can confirm the status of funds
  3.Image of demonstration experiments in Yokohama City
  4.About hope of matching destination in Yokohama-shi

5. Contents of support

Mentoring: Accompaniment support for the following demonstration experiments will be provided through online or offline meetings.

  • Coordination of demonstration fields in Yokohama City
  • Matching for partnering for development and collaboration of prototypes
  • Matching of trial introduction destinations
  • Organizing issues for business development in Japan after the demonstration experiment and supporting the study of business schemes, etc.
  • Public relations support, etc.

※Matching does not guarantee the establishment within the business period.

6 Implementation Schedule

7 Other Special Notes

  • The selection will be conducted based on the application materials. However, if necessary, we may have time for questions and answers at online meetings.
  • The selected startups will be required to submit a report on the details of the demonstration experiment in March after the completion of the demonstration experiment.
  • When applying, you must agree to the Privacy Policy.

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Inquiries to this page

Yokohama City Technology Startup Demonstration Experiment Support Program Secretariat

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 976-448-850


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