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- Central Wholesale Market
- Announcement based on the Wholesale Market Act and the Yokohama City Central Wholesale Market Ordinance
Last updated on December 20, 2023.
The text is from here.
Announcement based on the Wholesale Market Act and the Yokohama City Central Wholesale Market Ordinance
It will be in operation from June 21, 2020
Ordinance revision based on the revision of the Wholesale Market Law (enforced on June 21, 2020)
- Ordinance to revise all of the Yokohama City Central Wholesale Market Business Ordinance (excerpted from the City Newsletter No. 12 issued on December 25, 2019) (PDF: 805KB)
- Yokohama City Central Wholesale Market Ordinance Enforcement Regulations (Excerpt from the 11th issued on June 19, 2020) (PDF: 1,242KB)
- Closed days and business hours of Yokohama City Central Wholesale Market (PDF: 107KB)
- Handling items (PDF: 99KB)
- Method of trading and settlement (PDF: 122KB)
- Yokohama-shi original trading rules and reasons for setting (PDF: 134KB)
- Matters to be stated in the contract agreement (PDF: 119KB)
- Report (Related to revision of the wholesale market law and business rules)
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Inquiries to this page
Economic Affairs Bureau Central Wholesale Market Operation Coordination Division
Phone: 045-459-3323
Phone: 045-459-3323
Fax: 045-459-3307
E-Mail address ke-uneichosei@city.yokohama.lg.jp
Page ID: 578-800-124