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  6. In order to hold an event on the theme of “food” in cooperation with the market, we will conduct “dialogue” with business operators.

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In order to hold an event on the theme of “food” in cooperation with the market, we will conduct “dialogue” with business operators.

-Sounding-type market research implementation guidelines

Last updated on October 6, 2021.

In Yokohama City, we are considering holding a lively event on the theme of "food" in collaboration with the market in FY2022, utilizing low unused land adjacent to the market.
In this project, the Yokohama Market Revitalization Council (an organization composed of Yokohama City and market-related businesses), the organizer of the event, selects a wide variety of "partner businesses" and aims to create bustle. .
Prior to the selection, we will conduct a dialogue with business operators for the purpose of investigating the feasibility of the event and organizing the selection conditions for "partner business", so please join us.

Results of the Dialogue

We will announce the results of sounding-type market research (dialogue) conducted between July 27 and August 6, 1993.

On-site tour (advance application required / only applicants) ※It's finished

We will hold a local tour of the site to be used.
If you would like to participate, please contact the following application by e-mail by the deadline.
In addition, please add [Application for Tour Participation] at the beginning of the subject, and also inform the number of participants.

On-site tours (advance application required)
Date and time

Wednesday, July 14, 2021
1:10 p.m. Meeting scheduled to end at 2:00 p.m.


Yokohama City Central Wholesale Market

Date of application

Tuesday, July 6, 2021


Management Support Division, Economic Affairs Bureau Central Wholesale Market, Yokohama City Miyata, Shimizu, iris
[email protected]

Conducting dialogue (advance application required) ※It's finished

Application for participation in dialogue

Please fill out the “(Form 1) Entry Sheet” with required items, attach it to the e-mail, and submit it to the application below by the deadline. In addition, please add [Application for Dialogue Participation] at the beginning of the subject.

Application for participation in dialogue
Target person

(a) Companies interested in participating as "partner businesses" when holding events
(b) Companies interested in indirect support and contribution of operation, such as provision of equipment and equipment, at the time of the event.

Application period From Monday, July 5, Reiwa 3 to Friday, July 16, Reiwa 3, 5:00 pm

Application documents
Submission address

TO: [email protected]
  Mitsubishi UFJ Research & Consulting Co., Ltd. Seidani
  (Contracted operator of "Business Event Review Support Business")
CC: [email protected]
  Management Support Division, Economic Affairs Bureau Central Wholesale Market, Yokohama City Miyata, Shimizu, iris

※ For an explanation of "Partner Business Operators", see "Implementation Guidelines".
※ If there are a large number of applications for participation in the dialogue, in order to conduct this survey efficiently within a limited time, the company that conducts the dialogue will be selected for each certain standard (company location classification, industry, etc.) May be selected. Thank you for your understanding.

Implementation of dialogue

In order to protect ideas and know-how, dialogue will be conducted individually.

Implementation of dialogue
Date and time About one hour between Monday, July 26, 2021 and Friday, August 6, 2021.
Time, etc. will be adjusted individually by the person in charge of "Mitsubishi UFJ Research & Consulting Co., Ltd. (contractor of 'Business Event Review Support Business')" after application.
It may be implemented outside of the above period due to adjustment.
Location Yokohama City Central Wholesale Market
Other details Please refer to the following URL.

Implementation guidelines, etc.

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Inquiries to this page

Economic Affairs Bureau Central Wholesale Market Management Support Section

Phone: 045-459-3336

Phone: 045-459-3336

Fax: 045-459-3307

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 700-510-145


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