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Meat Market BSE Inspection

Last updated on January 19, 2024.

Since a cow with BSE was discovered for the first time in Japan in September 2001, a BSE screening test was conducted on all cows since October 18 of the same year, and it was confirmed that those sold and distributed were not infected. Has issued an inspection certificate.

This section explains the flow of BSE inspection and what BSE is.
Overview of BSE Inspections and BSE

What is BSE?

It is called Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, BSE) because the brain of an infected cow spores in a sponge form. When a cow is infected, it becomes ill after 2 to 8 years asymptomatic and shows symptoms such as abnormal behavior. They die in about 2 to 6 months after onset. It is transmitted from feed containing "abnormal prion", which is a smaller infection factor than the virus.

What is a prion?

Originally, "normal prion" is a protein present in all mammal nerves. The "normal prion" structure is abnormal, and when infected, the "normal prion" is changed to "abnormal prion" one after another to "abnormal prion" and disturbs the brain nerve.

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Inquiries to this page

Economic Affairs Bureau Central Wholesale Market Meat Market Management Division

Phone: 045-511-0446

Phone: 045-511-0446

Fax: 045-502-5989

E-Mail address [email protected]

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