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Training of Core Engineers

Last updated on January 21, 2019.

The Industrial Technology Support Center holds workshops in cooperation with universities with the aim of fostering core engineers who will be able to compete in a wide range of fields, including management, as well as manufacturing experts. I'm introducing it on the page.
We look forward to your participation.

"Technology for Making Cross-sectional Analysis Samples" Seminar (end)

The Yokohama Industrial Technology Support Center has introduced a polishing device and ion milling device required for cross-section analysis and cross-section observation. Along with the introduction, a seminar will be held to provide a wide range of understanding of the basic technologies from cutting, mounting, and polishing of specimens, methods for fabricating thin-film cross sections, and the latest trends in preparation for preparation technology, which is the key to cross section analysis.

Contents of the seminar

Lecture 1 “Mechanical preparation techniques for cross-sectional observation (cutting, mounting, polishing)”
Mr. Hiroshi Kawamoto, Buler ITW Japan Co., Ltd.

Lecture 2 “SEM cross-sectional preparation technology using argon ion beams”
Mr. Yuhei Nakajima, Nidec Corporation

Automatic polishing machine/ion milling equipment

Date and time

Started on Thursday, October 20, 2016 14:00 Ended 16:00


Yokohama Industrial Technology Support Center


20 people (first come, first served)

Participation fee

Free of charge

How to apply

Application has been closed.

pdf icon"Technology for Making Cross-sectional Analysis Samples" Seminar Application Form (PDF: 268KB)

Projects implemented in FY2014

Projects implemented in FY2014

Name of class

Date of implementation



Seminar on salt water spraying testThursday, December 4, 2014 14: 00-16: 00Industrial Technology Support Center

In addition to talking about the characteristics of the corrosion promotion test using salt water and the latest trends, we also introduced and demonstrated the STP-90V-4 salt water spray tester installed at the center.

Projects implemented in FY2013

Projects implemented in FY2013

Name of class

Date of implementation



"Plastic materials can be used if you know here!" SeminarThursday, March 20, 2014 13: 30-16: 20Kanto Gakuin University,
Industrial Technology Support Center

We held a seminar on recent topics related to plastic materials, such as unique new plastic materials made from familiar materials and biodegradable plastics as eco-materials.

"Utilization of surface roughness" Seminar

Wednesday, January 22, 2014 14: 00-16: 30

Industrial Technology Support Center

Seminars were held on how to accurately measure the surface using a tactile surface shape measuring machine and how to interpret data.

Projects implemented in FY2012

Projects implemented in FY2012

Name of class

Date of implementation



Latest plating technology workshopMonday, September 3
Tuesday, September 4
Kanto Gakuin University,
Industrial Technology Support Center

We held technical seminars based on classroom lectures and practical skills, from plating for semiconductors to environmentally friendly plastic plating.

If you know "Destruct", you can select "Material"! "Crambling and Breaking."
-Learn from destruction~

Implemented in the following two sessions

1st: Thursday, January 17 from 16:00 to 18:00
2nd: Tuesday, January 29 from 16:00 to 18:00

Industrial Technology Support Center

Lectures will be given on the mechanism of destruction and countermeasures against destruction.

Projects implemented in FY2011

Projects implemented in FY2011

Name of class

Date of implementation



Latest plating technology workshopTuesday, August 2
Wednesday, August 3
Kanto Gakuin University,
Industrial Technology Support Center

We held technical seminars based on classroom lectures and practical skills, from plating for semiconductors to environmentally friendly plastic plating.

Learn! "pots" of corrosion phenomenon
Corrosion phenomena learned through principles and countermeasures.

Implemented in the following two sessions

1st: Wednesday, March 14 from 16:30 to 18:30
2nd: Friday, March 16 from 16:30 to 18:30

Industrial Technology Support Center

In order to help prevent corrosion of metal materials, lectures were given on the principles of corrosion phenomena and countermeasures.

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