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Last updated on January 21, 2019.

The Industrial Technology Support Center holds seminars that are useful for your corporate activities in cooperation with affiliated organizations and universities in Yokohama City, and is introduced on this page.
We look forward to your participation.

Information on Technical Show Yokohama 2018 Exhibitor Seminar (end)
[Introduction of Digital Manufacturing Using 3D Printers]

The Yokohama Industrial Technology Support Center has introduced 3D printers, 3D-CADs and peripheral equipment to provide technical support to small and medium-sized enterprises.
In this seminar, we will introduce examples of the use of 3D printers in public testing and research institutions nationwide and overseas. Please take this opportunity to join us.

Date of implementation

Thursday, February 8, 2018 10: 45-12: 00


Special event venue in Exhibition Hall Pacifico-yokohama
(Technical Show Yokohama 2018 Venue)


100 people

Participation fee

Free of charge


Not required


Yokohama Industrial Technology Support Center
Kanagawa Prefectural National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology

Seminar Information

pdf-iconSeminar on "Introduction of Digital Manufacturing Using 3D Printers" (PDF: 2,892KB)

Contact information

Fukuchi in charge of 3D, Economic Affairs Bureau Industrial Technology Support Center, Yokohama
Phone: 045-788-9007 FAX: 045-788-9555
E-mail: [email protected]

Projects implemented in FY2014

Projects implemented in FY2014
Seminar nameDate of implementationOrganizerContents
"Standards and Intellectual Property Useful for First Overseas Expansion" SeminarTuesday, February 17, 2015 13: 30-16: 30Yokohama Industrial Technology Support CenterThis is an introductory seminar that is useful for corporate management with a view to overseas expansion, such as chemical substance regulations and intellectual property in product parts.
"Design skills useful for SME management" seminarThursday, November 13, 2014 14: 00-17: 00Yokohama Industrial Technology Support CenterThrough the introduction of consultation cases sent to the center so far, we will explain the issues of product promotion that many small and medium-sized enterprises have and their effective promotion methods.
Seminar on “Promotion Strategy and Design for Selling”Thursday, October 9, 2014 14: 00-17: 00Yokohama Industrial Technology Support CenterConsidering the increase in sales of manufacturing companies in Yokohama City, we will explain effective advertisements on the WEB, construction of Blanding, etc. from the viewpoint of design thinking.

Projects implemented in FY2013

Projects implemented in FY2013
Seminar nameDate of implementationOrganizerContents
"Promotion design aiming to increase sales of manufacturing companies" seminarImplemented in the following two sessions
Friday, September 27, 2013 14: 00-17: 00
Thursday, October 10, 2013 14: 00-17: 00
Yokohama Industrial Technology Support CenterConsidering the increase in sales of manufacturing companies in Yokohama City, experts were invited to explain what they could do with design and how to make good use of design. .

Projects implemented in FY2012

Projects implemented in FY2012
Seminar nameDate of implementationOrganizerContents
Seminar on building a homepage for easy learningThursday, March 21, 2013 15: 00-17: 00Yokohama Industrial Technology Support CenterLectures on basic knowledge useful for small and medium-sized enterprises in the city when creating their own homepage were easy to understand. .
Design seminar to learn gentlyThursday, December 6, 2012
Yokohama Industrial Technology Support CenterWe held a seminar for small and medium-sized enterprises in the city to give lectures on the points of design utilization to utilize in the creation of homepages, flyers, catalogs, etc.

Projects implemented in FY2011

Projects implemented in FY2011

Seminar name

Date of implementation



Seminar on liquefaction phenomenon

Implemented in the following three sessions
Tuesday, September 6
Tuesday, September 20
Tuesday, September 27

Kanto Gakuin University,
Industrial Technology Support Center

A seminar on "liquefaction phenomenon" requested by the local industry association was held.

Emergency earthquake disaster countermeasures
Winter Energy Conservation Management Seminar

Wednesday, December 7Yokohama-shi Economic Affairs Bureau
(Goodwill) Implemented by the Yokohama Corporate Management Support Foundation)

He gave a lecture on how to deal with prolonged power saving measures, including specific examples.

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Inquiries to this page

Economic Affairs Bureau Small and Medium Enterprise Fisheries Promotion Department Small and Medium Enterprise Promotion Division

Phone: 045-671-4236

Phone: 045-671-4236

Fax: 045-664-4867

E-Mail address [email protected]

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