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Business Conditions and Management Trends in Yokohama

Last updated on February 26, 2025.

In order to quickly and accurately grasp the corporate trends and needs necessary for the effective development of Yokohama's economic and industrial policies, a questionnaire survey is conducted quarterly for companies in the city and companies with offices in the city. It is conducted four times a year (June, September, December, March).

Results of Business Conditions and Management Trends

Ordinary survey: Questionnaire survey on the business environment, such as in-house business conditions, employment personnel, cash flow, capital investment trends, etc.
Special survey: Questionnaire survey on themes according to economic conditions, etc.

Ordinary survey

  Survey date 



December, 2024The 131stOrdinary survey (PDF: 1,232KB)
September, 2024The 130thOrdinary survey (PDF: 1,197KB)
June, 2024The 129thOrdinary survey (PDF: 1,206KB)
March, 2024The 128thOrdinary survey (PDF: 1,207KB)
December, 2023The 127thOrdinary survey (PDF: 1,199KB)
September, 2023The 126thOrdinary survey (PDF: 1,202KB)
June, 2023125thOrdinary survey (PDF: 1,195KB)
March, 2023124thOrdinary survey (PDF: 695KB)
December, 2022The 123rdOrdinary survey (PDF: 755KB)
September, 2022122ndOrdinary survey (PDF: 673KB)
June, 2022121stOrdinary survey (PDF: 716KB)
March, 2022The 120thOrdinary survey (PDF: 765KB)
December, 2021The 119thOrdinary survey (PDF: 749KB)
September, 2021118thOrdinary survey (PDF: 3,074KB)
June, 2021

The 117th

Ordinary survey (PDF: 1,561KB)
March, 2021116thOrdinary survey (PDF: 1,178KB)
December, 2020115thOrdinary survey (PDF: 997KB)
September, 2020114thOrdinary survey (PDF: 929KB)
June, 2020The 113thOrdinary survey (PDF: 1,758KB)
March, 2020The 112thOrdinary survey (PDF: 1,694KB)
December, 2019111Ordinary survey (PDF: 1,666KB)
September, 2019The 110thOrdinary survey (PDF: 1,702KB)
June, 2019The 109thOrdinary survey (PDF: 1,444KB)
March, 2019The 108thOrdinary survey (PDF: 1,484KB)
December, 2018The 107thOrdinary survey (PDF: 1,472KB)
September, 2018The 106thOrdinary survey (PDF: 1,469KB)
June, 2018The 105thOrdinary survey (PDF: 1,462KB)

Special Survey

Survey date


Theme and Report

December, 2024The 131st"Survey on wage hikes and pass-through of price" (PDF: 882KB)
September, 2024The 130th"Survey on the labor shortage and the appointment of senior human resources" (PDF: 723KB)
June, 2024The 129th"Survey on Initiatives for Growth" (PDF: 989KB)
March, 2024The 128th“Survey on the Impact of the Invoice System” (PDF: 835KB)
December, 2023The 127thAbout "Survey on the Impact of Price Soarings" (PDF: 913KB)
September, 2023The 126thAbout "Survey on Initiatives in New Technology and Growth Fields" (PDF: 718KB)
June, 2023125thAbout "Initiative Survey on After Coronavirus" (PDF: 322KB)
March, 2023124thAbout the impact of COVID-19 infection at present (PDF: 410KB)
December, 2022The 123rdAbout "labor force, wage increase, reskilling of city company" (PDF: 550KB)
September, 2022122nd“Effects of soaring crude oil and raw material prices and depreciation of the yen” and “Overseas Business Development” (PDF: 911KB)
June, 2022121st"Economic Security" and "Circular Economy" (PDF: 1,100KB)
March, 2022The 120th
December, 2021The 119thAbout "securing employment opportunities for seniors" and "utilization of support measures related to business activities" (PDF: 1,799KB)
September, 2021118thEmployment status during the COVID-19 pandemic (PDF: 586KB)
June, 2021The 117thDigitization implementation situation investigation of city company (PDF: 2,170KB)
March, 2021116thImpact of declaration of a state of emergency and Support Measures (PDF: 1,178KB)
December, 2020115th
September, 2020114thImpact of COVID-19 infection and Employment Status (PDF: 405KB)
June, 2020The 113thImpact of COVID-19 infection (PDF: 534KB)
March, 2020The 112thOutlook from the second half of 2020 (PDF: 1,694KB)
December, 2019111“Natural be prepared for disaster” and “Effect of consumption tax hike” (PDF: 1,409KB)
September, 2019The 110thAbout the actual situation of labor shortage (PDF: 1,799KB)
June, 2019The 109thAbout the situation of information collection of companies (PDF: 1,308KB)
March, 2019The 108th
December, 2018The 107thAbout "Work Style Reform" and "Health Management" (PDF: 880KB)
September, 2018The 106thAbout capital investment trend of city company (PDF: 643KB)
June, 2018The 105thAbout the situation of securing human resources (PDF: 687KB)


Results of past surveys

Results of past surveys

Survey date               



March, 2018104th

Ordinary survey (PDF: 1,506KB)
Status of Business Succession (PDF: 1,115KB)

December, 2017103rd

Ordinary survey (PDF: 1,629KB)
Purchasing, delivery, and sales destinations and development of new products and services (PDF: 1,920KB)

September, 2017102nd

Ordinary survey (PDF: 1,546KB)
About location environment and new establishment, expansion plan (PDF: 1,248KB)

June, 2017The 101st

Ordinary survey (PDF: 2,426KB)
About the actual situation of labor shortage (PDF: 1,592KB)

March, 2017The 100th

Ordinary survey (PDF: 868KB)

December, 2016The 99th

Ordinary survey (PDF: 1,363KB)
Promotion of Health Management (PDF: 633KB)

September, 2016The 98th

Ordinary survey (PDF: 1,426KB)
Survey on the introduction of IoT-related technologies and services (PDF: 2,653KB)

June, 2016

The 97th

Ordinary survey (PDF: 1,669KB)

March, 2016The 96th

Ordinary survey (PDF: 1,446KB)
About overseas business development of city company (PDF: 612KB)

December, 2015The 95th

Ordinary survey (PDF: 1,755KB)
Impact of TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) Agreement (PDF: 433KB)

September, 2015The 94th

Ordinary survey (PDF: 1,534KB)
About financing method of city company (PDF: 920KB)

June, 2015The 93rd

Ordinary survey (PDF: 1,571KB)
Impact of the depreciation of the yen on business performance and wages (PDF: 799KB)

March, 2015The 92nd

Ordinary survey (PDF: 1,568KB)

December, 2014The 91st

Ordinary survey (PDF: 1,595KB)
About needs survey of open data (PDF: 911KB)

September, 2014The 90th

Ordinary survey (PDF: 1,629KB)

June, 2014The 89th

Ordinary survey (PDF: 1,181KB)

March, 2014The 88th

Ordinary survey (PDF: 1,159KB)
About overseas business development of city company (PDF: 904KB)

December, 2013The 87th

Ordinary survey (PDF: 1,181KB)
Special survey (health management and medical / nursing care-related, health / longevity-related service industries) (PDF: 575KB)

September, 2013The 86thOrdinary survey (PDF: 1,265KB)
June, 2013The 85thOrdinary survey (PDF: 929KB)
March, 2013The 84th

Ordinary survey / special survey (about recruitment of human resources of city companies) (PDF: 745KB)

December, 2012The 83rdOrdinary survey / special survey (approach situation of city companies in new growth fields) (PDF: 813KB)
September, 201282ndNormal investigation / special investigation (about the actual situation about approach of business continuation of city company) (PDF: 856KB)
June, 2012The 81stOrdinary survey / special survey (Effect of increase in electricity rates and increase in crude oil prices and local contribution activities) (PDF: 809KB)
March, 2012The 80thOrdinary survey / special survey (about overseas business development of city companies and airport usage) (PDF: 807KB)
December, 2011The 79thOrdinary survey / special survey (about human resource development of city companies) (PDF: 955KB)
September, 2011The 78thOrdinary survey / special survey (Effect of power shortage and appreciation of the yen on business activities) (PDF: 773KB)
June, 2011The 77thOrdinary survey / special survey (about medium-term management prospects of city companies) (PDF: 738KB)
April, 2011Emergency survey (about impact on city companies due to outbreak of Great East Japan Earthquake) (PDF: 465KB)
March, 2011The 76thOrdinary survey / special survey (about recruitment of human resources of city companies) (PDF: 747KB)
December, 2010The 75thOrdinary survey/special survey (Effects of the yen’s appreciation on business performance and financing environment) (PDF: 825KB)
September, 201074thNormal investigation / special investigation (about approach to environment of city company) (PDF: 859KB)
June, 201073rdOrdinary survey / special survey (about medium-term issues of city companies and needs for Yokohama City) (PDF: 909KB)
March, 201072ndOrdinary survey / special survey (about overseas business development of city companies) (PDF: 851KB)
December, 200971stOrdinary survey (PDF: 642KB)
September, 2009The 70thOrdinary survey / special survey (about corporate initiatives under severe economic conditions) (PDF: 805KB)
June, 2009The 69thOrdinary survey (PDF: 657KB)
March, 200968thOrdinary survey / special survey (about capital investment trends, financing environment and employment situation of city companies) (PDF: 553KB)
December, 2008The 67th

Ordinary survey (PDF: 213KB)
Special survey (about funding environment and employment situation) (PDF: 106KB)

October, 2008Emergency survey (about the financing environment in city companies and the impact of the appreciation of the yen, falling stock prices, high crude oil prices, and rising raw material prices) (PDF: 742KB)
September, 200866thOrdinary survey (PDF: 214KB)
June, 2008The 65th

Ordinary survey (PDF: 212KB)
Special Survey (Environmental Management Initiatives and Impact of High Crude Oil) (PDF: 89KB)

March, 200864th

Ordinary survey (PDF: 216KB)
Special survey (capital investment trends and utilization of office services) (PDF: 146KB)

December, 200763rd

Ordinary survey (PDF: 260KB)
Special survey (Effect of high crude oil and strong yen and financing environment) (PDF: 108KB)

September, 200762ndOrdinary survey (PDF: 201KB)
June, 200761st

Ordinary survey (PDF: 198KB)
Special Survey (Recruitment of Human Resources) (PDF: 80KB)

March, 2007The 60th

Ordinary survey (PDF: 205KB)
Special survey (capital investment trends) (PDF: 159KB)

December, 2006The 59th

Ordinary survey (PDF: 195KB)
Special survey (financing environment and transactions with financial institutions) (PDF: 97KB)

September, 2006The 58th

Ordinary survey (PDF: 231KB)
Special survey (About the impact of support for balancing work and child care and the cancellation of the zero interest rate policy) (PDF: 93KB)

June, 2006The 57th

Ordinary survey (PDF: 219KB)
Special Survey (Recruitment of Human Resources and Overseas Business Expansion) (PDF: 128KB)

March, 2006The 56th

Ordinary survey (PDF: 204KB)
Special survey (capital investment trends) (PDF: 166KB)

December, 2005The 55th

Ordinary survey (PDF: 215KB)
Special survey (financing environment and transactions with financial institutions) (PDF: 124KB)

September, 200554th

Ordinary survey (PDF: 218KB)
Special survey (about environmental issues) (PDF: 88KB)

June, 200553rd

Ordinary survey (PDF: 220KB)
Special survey (Recruitment of human resources and retirement issues for baby boomers) (PDF: 151KB)

March, 200552nd

Ordinary survey (PDF: 220KB)
Special survey (capital investment trends) (PDF: 140KB)

December, 200451st

Ordinary survey (PDF: 225KB)
Special Survey (About Fundraising and Relationship Banking) (PDF: 90KB)

September, 2004The 50th

Ordinary survey (PDF: 221KB)
Special Survey (CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Initiatives) (PDF: 92KB)

June, 2004The 49th

Ordinary survey (PDF: 220KB)
Special survey (About recruitment and internship system (PDF: 169KB)

March, 2004The 48th

Ordinary survey (PDF: 224KB)
Special survey (capital investment trends and initiatives for new businesses) (PDF: 273KB)

December, 2003The 47th

Ordinary survey (PDF: 222KB)
Special survey (human resource development, employment of retirees) (PDF: 167KB)

September, 2003The 46th

Ordinary survey (PDF: 203KB)
Special survey (about fund demand and financing environment) (PDF: 160KB)

June, 2003The 45th

Ordinary survey (PDF: 413KB)
Special Survey (Recruitment of Human Resources / Impact of SARS) (PDF: 433KB)

March, 200344th

Ordinary survey (PDF: 310KB)
Special survey (about capital investment trends and the current status of computerization) (PDF: 284KB)

December, 2002The 43rd

Ordinary survey (PDF: 299KB)
Special survey (wage and personnel system) (PDF: 193KB)

September, 200242nd

Ordinary survey (PDF: 317KB)
Special survey (about approach to new business, new field) (PDF: 180KB)

June, 200241st

Ordinary survey (PDF: 234KB)
Special Survey (Recruitment of Human Resources) (PDF: 152KB)

March, 2002The 40th

Ordinary survey (PDF: 225KB)
Special survey (capital investment trends and payoff measures) (PDF: 227KB)

December, 2001The 39th

Ordinary survey (PDF: 224KB)
Special survey (changes in employment environment and transaction form) (PDF: 237KB)

September, 2001The 38th

Ordinary survey (PDF: 189KB)
Special survey (about environmental issues) (PDF: 124KB)

June, 2001The 37th

Ordinary survey (PDF: 198KB)
Special Survey (Recruitment of Human Resources) (PDF: 244KB)

March, 2001The 36th

Ordinary survey (PDF: 167KB)
Special survey (capital investment trends) (PDF: 200KB)

December, 2000The 35th

Ordinary survey (PDF: 459KB)
Special survey (about securing and fostering human resources) (PDF: 331KB)

September, 2000The 34th

Ordinary survey (PDF: 252KB)
Special Survey (Informatization) (PDF: 248KB)

June, 2000The 33rd

Ordinary survey (PDF: 243KB)
Special Survey (Recruitment of Human Resources) (PDF: 201KB)

March, 200032nd

Ordinary survey (PDF: 259KB)
Special survey (capital investment trends) (PDF: 304KB)

December, 1999The 31st

Ordinary survey (PDF: 537KB)
Special survey (about future management policy) (PDF: 293KB)

September, 1999The 30th

Ordinary survey (PDF: 534KB)
Special survey (about approach to new field business) (PDF: 245KB)

June, 1999The 29th

Ordinary survey (PDF: 566KB)
Special Survey (Employment Status) (PDF: 288KB)

March, 1999The 28th

Ordinary survey (PDF: 550KB)
Special survey (Construction investment trends and construction industry) (PDF: 328KB)
Special survey (corresponding to the computer year 2000 issue) (PDF: 227KB)

December, 1998The 27thOrdinary survey (PDF: 573KB)
September, 1998The 26thOrdinary Survey / Special Survey (Utilization of multimedia technology in corporate activities) (PDF: 645KB)
June, 1998The 25thOrdinary survey / special survey (about recruitment) (PDF: 638KB)
April, 199824thOrdinary survey / special survey (intention to public offering) (PDF: 670KB)
February, 199823rdOrdinary survey / special survey (capital investment trend) (PDF: 828KB)
November, 199722ndOrdinary survey / special survey (Current status of outsourcing (outsourcing))) (PDF: 785KB)
July, 199721stOrdinary survey / special survey (for new recruitment and consumption tax hike) (PDF: 688KB)
April, 1997The 20thOrdinary survey / special survey (changes in business organization and rationalization measures for companies) (PDF: 1,156KB)
January, 1997The 19thOrdinary survey / special survey (about computerization investment of companies) (PDF: 907KB)
October, 1996The 18thOrdinary survey / special survey (about the effects of group food poisoning such as O157) (PDF: 802KB)
July, 1996The 17thOrdinary survey (PDF: 737KB)
April, 199616thOrdinary survey / special survey (problems in the use of machinery and equipment and the use of the Internet) (PDF: 1,269KB)
January, 1996The 15thOrdinary survey / special survey (about overseas expansion of companies and business support industries) (PDF: 946KB)
October, 199514thOrdinary survey / special survey (Manufacturing priority survey) (PDF: 700KB)
July, 199513thOrdinary survey / special survey (Manufacturing priority survey) (PDF: 708KB)
April, 199512thOrdinary Survey / Special Survey (Effect of The Great Hanshin Earthquake) (PDF: 637KB)
January, 199511thOrdinary survey / special survey (listing of shares and over-the-counter disclosure) (PDF: 646KB)
October, 199410thOrdinary survey / special survey (Effect of price reduction) (PDF: 667KB)
August, 19949thOrdinary survey / special survey (employment plan, effect of wage and tax reduction and economic judgment) (PDF: 215KB)
May, 19948thOrdinary survey / special survey (increase and decrease in property costs) (PDF: 256KB)
February, 19947thOrdinary survey / special survey (About the current status of employment adjustment and capital investment during the recession) (PDF: 185KB)

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