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Yokohama-shi Input-Output Table

Last updated on January 24, 2023.

 The Yokohama City Input-Output Table summarizes transactions between industries of goods and services in Yokohama City during a year in one table, and is created every five years in principle, and is used to analyze the economic structure of the region, calculate and analyze economic ripple effects associated with various events and facility construction. In Yokohama City, we have created nine times from the 1950 Chronological Table to the 2015 Chronological Table.               

27, Heisei chronological table

13 divisions

37 divisions
(Major Integration Category)

107 Divisions
(Integrated classification)

187 Divisions
(Integrated small classification)

Producer Price Evaluation Table           

Excel format (Excel: 165KB)Excel format (Excel: 159KB)Excel format (Excel: 184KB)Excel format (Excel: 230KB)

Input coefficient table

Excel format (Excel: 151KB)Excel format (Excel: 135KB)Excel format (Excel: 208KB)Excel format (Excel: 293KB)
Inverse row coefficient table (open type)Excel format (Excel: 148KB)Excel format (Excel: 181KB)Excel format (Excel: 320KB)Excel format (Excel: 499KB)
Inverse row coefficient table (closed type)Excel format (Excel: 149KB)Excel format (Excel: 181KB)Excel format (Excel: 290KB)Excel format (Excel: 523KB)

Employment table

Excel format (Excel: 15KB)Excel format (Excel: 19KB)Excel format (Excel: 29KB)  ―
Category Table                Excel format (Excel: 984KB)

Economic ripple effect analysis tool and operation manual

Economic ripple effect analysis tool (Excel: 1,798KB)
It is a tool that can easily estimate the economic ripple effect generated by economic activities for a certain period of time (one year, calendar year).                           ※Please handle the calculation results obtained using this tool at your own risk.

Operation Manual (PDF: 2,406KB)
Explains the terms used in the analysis tool and the operation procedures for calculating the economic ripple effect are posted.                             ※Please refer to the Operation Manual for notes on economic ripple effect analysis.

Past Input-Output Table

23, Heisei chronological table
 13 divisions

37 divisions
(Major Integration Category)

108 divisions
(Integrated classification)

190 divisions
(Integrated small classification)

Producer Price Evaluation TableExcel format (Excel: 161KB)Excel format (Excel: 155KB)Excel format (Excel: 178KB)Excel format (Excel: 233KB)
Input coefficient tableExcel format (Excel: 150KB)Excel format (Excel: 136KB)Excel format (Excel: 210KB)Excel format (Excel: 301KB)

Inverse row coefficient table
(Open type)

Excel format (Excel: 147KB)Excel format (Excel: 182KB)Excel format (Excel: 322KB)Excel format (Excel: 512KB)

Inverse row coefficient table
(closed type)

Excel format (Excel: 147KB)Excel format (Excel: 182KB)Excel format (Excel: 293KB)Excel format (Excel: 537KB)
Employment tableExcel format (Excel: 15KB)Excel format (Excel: 20KB)Excel format (Excel: 30KB)
Category TableExcel format (Excel: 27KB)

17, Heisei chronological table 
Producer Price Evaluation Table

13 divisions (Excel format) (Excel: 26KB)

34 divisions (Excel format) (Excel: 71KB)

108 divisions (Excel format) (Excel: 370KB)

Employment table

            (Excel format) (Excel: 24KB)

12, Heisei chronological table
Producer Price Evaluation Table13 divisions (Excel format) (Excel: 27KB)32 divisions (Excel format) (Excel: 75KB)104 divisions (Excel format) (Excel: 436KB)
Employment table           (Excel format) (Excel: 25KB)

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