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2012 Shopping Street Actual Survey Numerical Data

Last updated on February 18, 2019.

Shopping Street Survey Numerical Data

[Type of shopping street]
Question 1 Please add one of the items you think is applicable to the type of shopping street.

[Organization of Shopping Street]
Q2 Please mark one of the applicable organizational forms of your shopping street.

[Intention to incorporation in the case of a voluntary organization]
Q2-2 In the case of a voluntary organization, do you have any intention to incorporate it in the future?

[Number of Members in Shopping Street]
Q3 What is the number of members in your shopping district?

[Presence of stores that are not affiliated]
Q4 Are there any stores that do not belong to the shopping district area? If so, please fill in the number of stores and why.

[Construction stores in the shopping street (industry and business type in the shopping street)]
Q5 Please enter the number of stores that make up your shopping street for each type of business and business type.

[Industry shortage in shopping streets]
Q6 What are the industries and business types that you feel that there is a shortage in your shopping street?
Please select up to three of the applicable items from Question 5 and enter the number in parentheses.
※If there is a shortage of industries other than the options in question 5, enter the name of the industry.
If there is no missing industry, enter "None", and if you do not know the missing industry, enter "I do not know".

Percentage of regular members of stores aged 65 and over.
Q7 Among the stores that make up your shopping street, how many stores are managers aged 65 or older?
※I'd like to know.

[Whether or not there is a parking lot for visitors]
Q8 Is there a parking lot for customers in your shopping street?

[Management of parking lots for visitors]
Q8-2 Who is responsible for the management of the company?

[Activities of Shopping Street]
Question 9 Please mark all applicable items about the contents of shopping street activities in your shopping street.

[Activities that we believe should be tackled in the future]
Question 9-2 Regarding the activities that your shopping street thinks should work on in the future, select up to three applicable items from Question 9 and enter the number in parentheses.
In addition, if there is any activity that we consider to be addressed, we have already considered for implementation.
Please mark in parentheses at the bottom of the number you entered.

[Increase and decrease in the number of members participating in shopping street activities over the last three years]
Q10 In the last three years, have the number of members participating in shopping street activities increased?

[Troubles in the Shopping Street]
Q11 What kind of problems do you have in your shopping street? Please select up to 3 applicable items and mark them.

[Number of vacant stores in shopping streets]
Q12 How many vacant stores are in your shopping district? (If not, please fill in 0 (zero).)
※What is a vacant store?
Located on the first floor of the main street building in the shopping district, it was previously used as a store, and is now vacant due to closure or relocation.
It's something. Excludes parking lots, general houses, and vacant lots. (Provisional use as a garage or storeroom until the next user appears.
Including those who do it.

[Status of vacant stores]
Q13 If there is a vacant store, please fill in the status of each vacant store.

[Delivery service or on-site sales]
Q14 Do you provide home delivery services or on-site sales at your shopping street? Please mark the applicable one.

[Intent to continue when implemented]
Question 14-2 Ask the person who answered 1-3 in question 14. What do you think about the continuation of the service?

[Intention to future implementation if not implemented]
Question 14-3 In Question 14, ask 4 "None of them are implemented." Do you have any intention to start home delivery services or on-site sales in the future?

[Reason for not being implemented]
Question 14-4 In Question 14, ask 4 "None of them are implemented." What is the reason why we don't offer home delivery services or on-site sales?
Please mark all applicable items.

[A view of the economy of shopping streets compared to last year]
 Q15 What do you feel about the current economy of your shopping street compared to last year?

[Whether or not there is a full-time administrative staff in the shopping district]
Q16 Is there a full-time administrative staff in your shopping street?

[The burden of office work when there is no full-time administrative staff]
Q16-2 If you do not have one, do you feel that the burden of administrative work (creation of materials for meetings, distribution of materials, etc.) is large?

[Balance of Shopping Street]
Q17 Regarding the income and expenditure of your shopping street, please fill in three large percentages in the financial statements for FY2011.

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Inquiries to this page

Commercial Promotion Division, Civil Economic and Labor Department, Economic Affairs Bureau

Phone: 045-671-3488

Phone: 045-671-3488

Fax: 045-664-9533

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 908-272-891


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