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2012 Consumer Purchasing Behavior Survey Numerical Data

Last updated on February 18, 2019.

Consumer purchasing behavior awareness survey numerical data

[Presence or absence of the nearest shopping street]
Q1 Is there a shopping street near your home? (Excluding large stores such as supermarkets, department stores, and shopping centers) (1)

Questions 2 to 4 are for those who answered "1. Yes" in question 1.

[Organizational form of the nearest shopping street]
Q2 Which of the following types of shopping streets near your home?

[Shops that you want to open in the shopping street]
Question 3 Please select a store that you want to open in the shopping street or increase more, and add a mark. (No matter how many)

[Frequency of use of shopping streets]
Question 4 How often do you use (shopping) nearby shopping streets? Please mark one of the applicable items.

Questions 5 to 7 are answered "1. Almost every day", "2. 2-3 times a week", "3. Once a week", "4. 2-3 times a month", "5. Once a month" in Questions 4.

[Main reasons for use of shopping streets]
Question 5 Please select up to three main reasons for using the shopping street.

[Satisfaction with shopping streets compared to large stores]
Q6 Compared to large stores such as supermarkets, please select a number one by one for each item regarding the satisfaction of the shopping district used.

[Comprehensive satisfaction of shopping streets to be used]
Question 7 Please mark one of the applicable items for the overall satisfaction of the shopping district used.

Question 8 is for those who answered "6. I rarely use" in Question 4.

[Main reasons not to use shopping streets]
Q8 Please select up to three main reasons why you rarely use the shopping street.

[Services desired in the shopping district]
Question 9 Please select up to 3 services you want to use if you are in a shopping street.

[Main places of purchase and reasons for each product]
Q10 For the following products, select one place to purchase mainly, and add a mark. Also, please select 3 reasons for purchasing at that location.

Q10-1 The place where you mainly purchase fresh foods (fresh fish, fruits and vegetables, meat, etc.)

Reason for purchasing at that location (up to 3)

Q10-2 The place where you mainly purchase other foodstuffs (United States, beverages, alcoholic beverages, prepared foods, etc.)

Reason for purchasing at that location (up to 3)

Q10-3 A place where you mainly buy daily miscellaneous goods

Reason for purchasing at that location (up to 3)

Q10-4 Where to buy clothing primarily

Reason for purchasing at that location (up to 3)

Q10-5 Places to purchase pharmaceuticals and cosmetics mainly

Reason for purchasing at that location (up to 3)

Q10-6 Places to purchase books and stationery mainly

Reason for purchasing at that location (up to 3)

Q10-7 Places to purchase home appliances mainly

Reason for purchasing at that location (up to 3)

[About subsidies for shopping streets]
Q11 What do you think about the subsidies for events and shopping environment maintenance conducted by shopping streets that Yokohama City is conducting?

[Activities in Shopping Street]
Q12 In the activities of the shopping street, please select what you think can participate and cooperate as a staff member. (No matter how many)

[Role of Shopping Street]
Q13 Do you think that the shopping street plays a role not only as a place for familiar shopping, but also as a place for local exchange and liveliness? (1)

[Expectations for Shopping Streets]
Q14 Please select up to three things you expect about the future and role of the shopping street.

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Inquiries to this page

Commercial Promotion Division, Civil Economic and Labor Department, Economic Affairs Bureau

Phone: 045-671-3488

Phone: 045-671-3488

Fax: 045-664-9533

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 825-469-743


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