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[held on September 29, 2023] 1st PPP Study Session in FY2023

Last updated on November 2, 2023.

2023 PPP Platform First PPP Study Session

1st Study Session Flyer 2023

We will hold a PPP study session to acquire more practical knowledge when working on PPP / PFI. We look forward to the active participation of companies and organizations that intend to work on the PPP project in Yokohama in the future.
2023 First Study Session Flyer (PDF: 601KB)

Date and time

Friday, September 29, 2023 13: 30-16: 00


Multipurpose space (large) on the 3rd floor of the Totsuka Ward General Government Building
(3rd floor of Totsuka Ward General Government Building, 16-17 Totsuka-cho, Totsuka-ku, Yokohama)
Map [Google map] (outside site)
▶About a 2-minute walk from Totsuka Station West Exit, JR Yokohama Municipal Subway


Participation in the venue: 100 people (first come, first served)
※You can also participate online.

Program video

Even if you could not participate on the day, you can watch the contents of the study session in a video.

Update Status of Yokohama City PPP List

Regarding the "Yokohama City PPP List" released in June this year, we will explain the update status of the published projects.

Lecture: "Points for Making Proposals"

Experts with extensive experience in PPP / PFI advisory work will give a lecture on the points in preparing proposals (information arrangement of application guidelines, how to create proposals within the consortium, etc.).

Group work: “Creation of Proposal Policy”

In a cross-industry group composed of participants, we will read the actual open recruitment materials for the public land utilization project and carry out practical group work to create a proposal policy.


Each lecture and group work material at this study session can be downloaded from the following.
PPP study session materials (file: 4,335KB)


Private companies and organizations inside and outside the city who are interested in the PPP project in Yokohama City

Participation fee

Free of charge


[Co-sponsored] Bank of Yokohama, Ltd./Yokohama Shinkin Bank
[Cooperation] Japan Economic Res. Inst.

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