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Standards and Reference Books

Last updated on December 16, 2024.

The following special specifications can be downloaded and used by downloading PDF files.

Special Rules
Special RulesNumber of pages

Building construction special rules (December 2024 version) (PDF: 500KB)
Building Construction Special Regulations (former November 2023 version) (PDF: 501KB)

Special Regulations on Electrical Equipment Construction (July 2024 version) (PDF: 371KB)
Special Regulations on Electrical Equipment Construction (formerly July 2023 version) (PDF: 362KB)
Special Regulations on Machinery and Equipment Construction (July 2023 version) (PDF: 324KB)
Special Regulations on Machinery and Equipment Construction (formerly July 2022 version) (PDF: 476KB)

Special Rules and Regulations
Special Rules and RegulationsNumber of pages
Disposal guidelines for construction by-products discharged from Motoichi construction-
City of Yokohama, Housing and Architecture Bureau jurisdiction construction, indoor concentration measurement manual for volatile organic compounds (VOCs), etc. (revised in July 2015) (PDF: 221KB) (formerly June 2024 version) (PDF: 907KB)
Housing and Architecture Bureau (Revised in September 2021) (PDF: 467KB)11
PDF file specifications of the completed City of Yokohama, Housing and Architecture Bureau construction (April 2010) (PDF: 51KB)
Guidelines (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, April 2009) (PDF: 498KB)25
Special notes on handling personal information (October 2015) (word: 54KB)
Electrical Equipment Construction Manual (2023 version) (July 2023)-
Machinery and equipment construction manual (2023 version) (July 2023)-

You can download PDF files on the Finance Bureau website for construction performance evaluation criteria.
“Construction Performance Evaluation Standards” (to the website of the Finance Bureau Public Works Coordination Division)

List of documents related to construction

You can download and use the following files (MS-WORD, MS-EXCEL) for documents to be submitted in common for construction under Housing and Architecture Bureau.

Documents to be submitted
Documents to be submittedDocument file
A matter
01Construction started registration form【01】 (Word: 15KB)
02Breakdown of contract price【02】 (Word: 20KB)
03Process schedule【03】 (Word: 20KB)
04Notice of Selection of Site proxy/agent, etc.【04】 (Word: 19KB)
05Reason for delay in submission of storage documents
(Construction retiree mutual aid system)
【05】 (Word: 13KB)
06Construction industry retirement allowance mutual aid system allocation report (Form No. 1)

"List of download files" of Yokohama bid
Please refer to other (external site).

07Notice of Appointment of Professional Engineers【07】 (Word: 31KB)
08Appointment of General Safety and Health Officer, etc. registration form【08】 (Word: 13KB)

A matter
21Subcontractor Selection Notice【21】 ~ [23] (Excel: 187KB)
22Subcontract Contract Record
23List of specialized companies (styles)
24Request for consent for construction materials, etc.【24】 (Word: 31KB)
25Construction system ledger, construction system diagram, subcontract noticeFinance Bureau Public Works Coordinating Division Homepage
Please refer to the notice of construction system ledgers and signs.
26Confirmation of mountain retaining construction stage inspection【26】 (Excel: 23KB)
27Various construction plans and covers【27】 (Word: 19KB)
28Industrial Waste Disposal (Planning and Reporting)【28】 (Word: 20KB)
29Notification of confirmation and disposal of construction by-products【29】 (Word: 21KB)
30Out-of-site inspection application【30】 (Word: 16KB)
31Application for extension of construction completion deadline【31】 (Word: 16KB)
32Application for partial inspection of construction work completed【32】 (Word: 16KB)
33Application for change of contract price based on changes in wages or prices【33】 (Excel: 14KB)
34Notice of Emergency Measures【34】 (Excel: 14KB)
35Notification of on-site leave【35】 (Word: 61KB)

Accident Report

【36】 (Excel: 27KB)


Notice of Change of Site proxy/agent, etc.

【37】 (Word: 19KB)


Questions and Answers related to one-day response construction (reference format)

【38】 (Word: 30KB)

41Indoor concentration measurement result report of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), etc.【41】 (Excel: 210KB)
42Construction Industry Retirement Payment Mutual Aid certificate stamp Payment Book (Form No. 2)

"List of download files" of Yokohama bid
Please refer to other (external site).


Construction Industry Retirement Payment Mutual Aid certificate stamp Paste Performance Report (Form No. 3)

44Private Facility Ledger【44】 (Excel: 261KB)
45Equipment ledger (electricity 45-1, machinery 45-2)

【45-1】 (Excel: 385KB)
【45-2】 (Excel: 105KB)

46Completed construction registration form completed registration form【46】 (Word: 16KB)
47Delivery of construction objects【47】 (Word: 16KB)


In charge

48Inspection report of nonconformity with contract【48】 (Word: 20KB)
49Record table (building) for inspection and repair measures for non-conforming contracts【49】 (Word: 22KB)
50Record table (electricity) for inspection and repair measures for non-conformity【50】 (Word: 26KB)
51Record table for inspection and repair measures for non-conformance of contracts (hygienic air conditioning equipment)【51】 (Word: 18KB)
52Subscription Plan for Nonconformity【52】 (Word: 20KB)
53Recommendation Report for Nonconformity【53】 (Word: 14KB)

If you do not have any of the above documents, please contact the following department.

Contact information
Type of constructionDepartmentTEL
Construction workWaste Plant Maintenance Section671-2963 (Government Building)
671-2973 (Housing)
School Maintenance Division671-2969
Electrical equipment constructionElectrical Equipment Section671-2975
Machinery and equipment constructionMechanical Equipment Section671-2978
Civil engineering workWaste Plant Maintenance Section671-2960
Reference Book (Building Work)
Elementary and junior high school standard figure
[Building work]
School building type 95
Indoor playground type 95
school lunch Room Dry System (2001 Edition)
Martial arts field type 95
Room 95
Outdoor incidental facilities type 95
Swimming Pool Type 95
Remodeled school building type 95
F.G.I Type 95
Remodeling G.F95
Contact information : School Maintenance Division (Plan) TEL (671) 2968

Reference book (electrical equipment construction)
Elementary and junior high school standard figure
[Electrical equipment construction]
Yokohama Municipal Elementary and Junior High School Standard Drawing School System Electrical Equipment
Yokohama Municipal Elementary and Junior High School Standard Map
Indoor Playground Renovation Standard Map
school lunch Room Standard Map (Dry System)
Contact information : Electrical Equipment Division TEL (671) 2975

"Collection of Board of Education Standard Structure Map (civil engineering work)" (to the Board of Education website)
"Crushed stone screenings pavement construction management standards (to the Board of Education website)

Information sharing system for construction work in Yokohama (ASP)

We will promote the use of ASP for the purpose of "facilitating communication among contractors", "speeding up processing of construction documents", and "efficiency in supervisory inspection work".
・Information sharing system for construction work in Yokohama City

In each stage of planning, design, estimation, procurement, construction, management, etc. for public works projects, Housing and Architecture Bureau will continue to promote initiatives to introduce IT into public works projects in order to improve efficiency and reduce costs by digitizing and sharing information.
Please refer to the “IT (CALS / EC) website for public works” for the “IT Promotion Plan for Public Works” and “Guidelines, Standards, and Procedures for Electronic Delivery” in Yokohama City.

We will try to introduce comfortable toilets as an initiative to make the construction site easier for both men and women to work.
・Special specifications (PDF: 124KB) regarding the installation of comfortable toilets in construction work

Female retention (active) model construction

We have established the guidelines for implementing the “Request for Contractor-type Women Retention (Activity) Model Construction”.
・"Contractor Hope type woman fixation (active) model construction" implementation guidelines (PDF: 316KB)

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Inquiries to this page

Maintenance Planning Division, Public Architecture Department, Housing and Architecture Bureau

Phone: 045-671-2956

Phone: 045-671-2956

Fax: 045-664-5477

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 273-481-221


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