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Specific request record and publication system

Last updated on July 31, 2024.

1 Outline of the System

Among verbal requests and approaches such as telephone calls and interviews sent to Motoichi, the ward bureau compliance officer asks for acts (including omissions) that impair the fair execution of duties of the staff, etc. It is a system that deters unreasonable approaches to the city and improves credibility to the government by recognizing it as a "request" and publishing its contents and the response made by the city.
Regarding the appropriateness of how to respond to specific requests, etc., we can obtain whistleblowing prevention and advice from the Specific Request Record / Publication System Committee.
※This system does not restrict the legitimate activities of individuals or organizations.

2 What is a specific request?

The following actions apply.

  1. Acts that require the following in order to perform the duties of staff
  • To treat a particular object in an advantageous or disadvantageous manner
  • To have certain things do not have obligations or prevent the exercise of rights;
  • To disclose secrets that we have learned in our duties
  • Do not perform duties to be executed or do not execute by the prescribed deadline.
  • Other violations of laws and regulations or violations of ethics related to the service of employees
  1. Acts deemed to hinder the fair execution of duties by employees
  2. Acts equivalent to administrative violence
  3. In addition to the above, acts that need to systematically share information and respond in order to ensure fair execution of duties by staff or to ensure proper administrative management.

3 Announcement of Specific Request Records

Inquiries to this page

Compliance Promotion Division, General Affairs Bureau Compliance Promotion Office

Phone: 045-671-2329

Phone: 045-671-2329

Fax: 045-663-3201

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 803-451-387


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