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- About efforts to create financial resources
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About efforts to create financial resources
Last updated on January 27, 2025.
Motoichi advocates the realization of sustainable municipal administration that balances maintenance of financial soundness toward the future while steadily promoting necessary measures with high expectations of citizens. . Based on the three basic policies of "Financial Vision for Sustainable Development of Yokohama City", "Yokohama City Medium-Term Plan 2022-2025", and "Basic Policy on Administrative Management", we will firmly respond to the demands of citizens and society. We promote sustainable municipal administration while responding.
In fiscal 7, in accordance with the “Basic Policy on Expenditure Reform for Fiscal 7 Budgeting,” all agencies worked together to create financial resources by strengthening the governance and management of the City Hall, which will lead to the metabolism of measures and businesses from a medium- to long-term and overall optimum perspective. In addition, the number of business reviews up to the efforts in the budget formulation for FY2022 is different from the amount of effect.
Initiatives in FY2025 Budgeting
List of Efforts to Create Financial Resources
In the budget formulation for FY2025, we worked to create 17.2 billion yen (1,240 projects).
List of initiatives to create financial resources (January 27, 2025) (PDF: 282KB)
List of initiatives to create financial resources (January 27, 2025) (Excel: 78KB)
List of past financial resources creation / business review policies and financial resources creation / business review
About the creation of financial resources, business review that ward, bureau, general headquarters worked on by oneself, we list concrete approach contents and announce.
Initiatives in FY2024 Budgeting
In the budget formulation for FY2024, we worked to create 15.3 billion yen (1,310 projects).
List of initiatives to create financial resources (January 29, 2024) (PDF: 515KB)
List of initiatives to create financial resources (January 29, 2024) (Excel: 92KB)
Initiatives in FY2023 Budgeting
In the budget formulation for FY2023, we worked to create 23.2 billion yen (1,235 projects).
List of initiatives to create financial resources (January 27, 2023) (PDF: 504KB)
List of initiatives to create financial resources (January 27, 2023) (Excel: 69KB)
Initiatives in Fiscal 2022 Budgeting
In reviewing the business in the budget formulation for FY2022, we reduced expenses of 8.8 billion yen (1,069 cases).
Perspective of Business Review (July 30, 2021) (PDF: 240KB)
List of Business Reviews (January 28, 2022) (PDF: 639KB)
List of Business Reviews (January 28, 2022) (Excel: 88KB)
Initiatives in Fiscal 2021 Budgeting
In reviewing the business in the budget formulation for FY2021, we reduced the cost of 15.9 billion yen (1,280 cases).
Perspective of Business Review (September 1, 2020) (PDF: 665KB)
List of Business Reviews (January 29, 2021) (PDF: 656KB)
List of Business Reviews (January 29, 2021) (Excel: 101KB)
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